Modere Collagen Side Effects – Does It Really Work And Safe For You?

The Modere Liquid BioCell is gaining a lot of attention from folks due to its benefits like anti-aging, relief from joint pain, toning skin and muscles, and several others.

Moderate Collagen differs from other collagen peptides for two reasons. The collagen supplement comes in liquid form, and it mostly contains fruit extracts rather than chemical ingredients.

Now since liquid BioCell collagen is derived from fruit extracts, it should be safe for the majority of healthy people.

However, it is still a supplement that is not regulated by the FDA, and proper research on the Modere BioCell side effects is required. And you don’t have to worry about anything because we’ve already done all of the research you’ll need!

In the Modere BioCell side effects, we have presented all of the research on the ingredient’s safety and the potential side effects of the Liquid BioCell. Not only did we look at the ingredients, but we also looked at the side effects that people reported after using it.

Additionally, we thought why not tell you some real benefits you should expect from its use.

With that being said, let’s dive right in.

What is Modere Liquid BioCell?

Modere’s Liquid BioCell is a multi-patented super nutraceutical dietary collagen that works on patented technology with the name “Collagen/HA Matrix Technology”.

It is a single-source matrix made using highly absorbable collagen type II, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate. 

Modere Liquid BioCell claims the Collagen provides you benefits both inside and out. The inside benefits include improve joint mobility, reduced discomfort, and healthy cartilage and connective tissues. 

While the inside benefits mostly include anti-aging properties like improved skin hydration, firmness, and elasticity, reduced wrinkle appearance, and reduce enzymes causing aging. 

They even insist on providing you with some sort of miraculous youthfulness concoction.

Modere Liquid BioCell is available in four flavors: Modere Liquid BioCell, Bio Cell Pure, Bio Cell Skin, and BioCell Sport.

However, you simply can’t buy a product based on the mentioned claims, it’s essential to verify the claims and safety of the product. We are going to cover both of them.

To learn about its safety, you must learn what are the side effects Modere BioCell Collagen may come with. Also, you must be aware of the right dosage to have the supplement.

Modere Liquid BioCell Life Potential Side Effects

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Modere Liquid BioCell is primarily a collagen supplement. And we already know most collagen supplements, take for example Native path, Orgain collagen, or Isagenix collagen, are generally safe for healthy individuals.

However, if you are allergic to any ingredient available in the supplement or you take some medication, the case may be different. 

Any supplement containing collagen 2 peptides may cause gas, bloating, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea and constipation, drowsiness, skin reactions, headache, and other unpleasant symptoms.

Aside from these common side effects, collagen supplements have been linked to hypercalcemia, which can lead to kidney stone formation

Furthermore, Collagen supplements have not been found to pose any significant health risks to the majority of consumers. 

This is because collagen is a component found naturally in your body. And also there is less reliable and limited information available about the side effects of these supplements.

You must know that the source of collagen in Modere Liquid BioCell is chicken. If you are allergic to chicken you must look for an alternative.

The same goes for shellfish and eggs, some part of collagen is also derived from these two sources. Hence if you are allergic to any of these, avoid supplements with type II collagen.

Here is a brief cover-up for Modere Liquid BioCell’s potential side effects:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions
  • Sensitive immune system reactions and Bruising.
  • Itching and skin redness.

Coming to the good part, in the reviews section at both the places whether it be Amazon or the official website, not even a single person reported to have faced any side effects from Modere Liquid BioCell. 

Most of the ingredients in Modere Liquid BioCell  are well tolerated by healthy people and have no discernible side effects

if you are taking medication, consult your doctor before beginning Modere or any collagen supplement to ensure that it does not interfere with the medication.

As a reminder, please read the other ingredient section on the label of different flavors of Modere Liquid BioCell and do some research yourself too. 

Because different flavors and ingredients may contain different ingredients any may have a different side effect profile.

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Ingredients In Modere Liquid BioCell 

An evaluation of Modere Liquid BioCell can give a lot of details on its benefits, effectiveness, warnings, and also side effects.

The Modere Liquid BioCell contains 18 ingredients in total, including their proprietary Life Blend and 11 additional ingredients for added benefits. Each ingredient has a distinct value.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the key ingredients in Modere Liquid BioCell and how they affect your body.

1. Apple Fruit Juice Concentrate

The Apple Fruit Juice Concentrate is a versatile ingredient and is the healthiest option available because “concentrate” in any Juice is made from 100% real fruits with no added sugar, colors, artificial flavors, and preservatives.

Some of the most common benefits of Apple Juice Concentrate include improved behavior and mental health in Alzheimer’s disease, lower risks of heart disease, cell protection from disease, and aid in hydration.

A study observed on healthy adults that when they drank (375 ml) of clear apple juice daily for 6 weeks, their (bad) cholesterol was 20% more resistant to oxidation when compared to the start of the study.

Another study found that drinking 1 cup of apple fruit juice for 1 month improved people’s mental and behavioral symptoms by 27%.

2. Grape Fruit Juice Concentrate

Grape Fruit Juice Concentrate is a low-calorie fruit juice made from the fresh juice of ripe grapefruits that are high in nutrients such as vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals.

It has several advantages, including aiding in weight loss, improving heart health, decreasing appetite, strengthening the immune system, and lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes by reducing insulin resistance.

The benefits of the grapefruit juice concentrate listed above are scientifically proven. Grapefruit juice is also high in Vitamin A, which aids in better vision, immune support, and bone health. 

This ingredient in Liquid BioCell also aids in the promotion of healthy skin and cell growth.

3. Nopal Leaf Extract

Nopal Leaf Extract has the potential to improve skin health, promote weight loss, and protect heart health. A study on the nopal leaf found that overall cholesterol levels dropped significantly, as did LDL (bad cholesterol).

4. Noni Fruit

Noni Fruit (scientific name: Morinda Citrifolia) is a fruit-bearing tree that is high in vitamin C, which is essential for skin and immune health, as well as folate and biotin. Noni fruit may help relieve arthritis pain and improve endurance during exercise.

A study on people with osteoarthritis found that taking noni fruit juice daily for 90 days resulted in significant improvement and a reduction in the severity of arthritis pain. 

Its benefits do not stop there; it also helps with heart health, immune system support, and many other things.

5. Mangosteen Fruit

Mangosteen fruit is too known as the Purple Mangosteen cuz of its deep purple color and is a tropical fruit with a slightly sweet taste. 

This purple fruit comes with a lot of potential health benefits including improving and maintaining healthy skin. 

Due to its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, it even helps control sugar levels,  and may aid in weight loss, 

A recent small study on 3-month humans demonstrated that people who are treated daily with 100mg of mangosteen fruit are more likely to experience elasticity in their skin and help in overall skin aging. 

Its use as an ingredient in Liquid BioCell Life may protect your skin cell from damage associated with sun exposure and aging.

Its use as an ingredient in Liquid Biocell Life may protect your skin cell from sun exposure and aging damage.

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Modere Liquid BioCell Dosage and Warning 

The recommended dosage Of Modere Liquid BioCell as per its supplements is only one tablespoon daily. 

With each serving, you get 15ml of this liquid collagen. Taking Modere BioCell as per the recommended dose is always healthy and helps prevent any side effects resulting from overdosing. 

Warnings: There is no detail regarding the dose of individual ingredients in Liquid BioCell. Thus, knowing the amount of each ingredient you are consuming is not possible.

It should be noted that the Modere states that, this supplement should not be given to children under the age of 18, pregnant women, or people with medical conditions.

If you are on medication or have pre-existing heart disease, do not use this product without first consulting your doctor. This could result in some serious medical interactions.

Please Note: Shake the collagen before using it, and don’t take more than one tablespoon twice a day. Also, once the seal is broken, it should be stored in the fridge with caution. Modere Liquid BioCell should not be frozen at the same time.

If you face any side effects from Modere Liquid collagen, stop taking the supplement immediately. Also, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Benefits Of Modere Liquid BioCell

The Modere Liquid BioCell claims numerous benefits for its collagen supplement. But one thing you should know is, that it’s a supplement and the results can vary from person to person. 

Benefits proposed by Modere for its Liquid BioCell Collagen include

  1. Reduce skin dryness and improve firmness, skin tone, elasticity, and hydration.
  2. Liquid BioCell may help you feel more energetic and reduce joint pain.
  3. It encourages strong cartilage, connective tissue, and healthy skin, eyes, hair, nails, and gums.
  4. It may increase the collagen content of your skin and aid in nutrient absorption.
  5. Improves joint lubrication and mobility.
  6. Liquid BioCell’s Anti-Aging formula can reduce the appearance of wrinkles from the inside out.
  7. Reduces your joint discomfort and improves your muscle tone.
  8. Fight aging and photoaging while increasing vitality.
  9. The collagen supplement may improve your overall health and quality of life.

It is not necessary that you will achieve all the benefits mentioned, but we think you can surely expect to see some noticeable benefits within weeks of its use.

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Modere Liquid BioCell Reviews By Consumer

Now, as you know collagen supplements do not have enough evidence and scientific findings to back their claims, this is where the user’s reviews come to use.

The Modere Liquid BioCell reviews are available at two main places i.e. Amazon and their official store. You must visit and have looked at what people think of the product.

While considering reviews, you must prefer Amazon or some other e-commerce site before any official website. It’s because the people’s opinions are easy to manipulate while you look at any supplement’s official site. 

The Modere Liquid BioCell Life has been rated 4.3 out of by more than 700 users so far, indicating it is a very good product. While the Modere Liquid BioCell Pure has been rated 3.9 out of 5 which is good.

Considering the popular e-commerce site Amazon, we discovered that Modere Liquid BioCell was rated 4.3 out of 5 stars by 433+ users. And more than 68 percent of people responded favorably to this dietary collagen.

Most customers were impressed by this supplement and said it lived up to its claims. Let’s take a look at a few reviews of Modere Liquid BioCell, ranging from positive to negative.

Very happy with the product I received from the seller. You must use this collagen every day for 3 months to start seeing results, not the 1-month line others are expecting. It takes time to absorb and build up in your system. Once it does there is a very noticeable difference in skin elasticity, hair/ nail growth, and my joints feel so much better” – Brenda l. (BioCell Life User)

“I gave this product a fair shot and used it for three months and noticed a couple things:

1) My hair has never grown so fast and it has thickened

2) more full skin (more plump)

3) easier movement …

I haven’t had joint issues but can feel the collagen and HA impacting my movement so it is swifter.” – P. Latka (BioCell Pure User).

“When I opened my package I found that the bottom of the container was cracked. Also, a small amount of liquid escaped from the container. Because of the leakage, I had no choice but to throw the bottle out. I paid 100.00 for that Product. I am greatly dissatisfied”– Ele (BioCell Life User).

“Don’t waste your money!!! This product is an $80 (plus shipping and handling) 14.2 oz bottle of fruit punch!!! And if you follow the directions precisely, it will last you 2 weeks. I had no significant results and it was not worth the exorbitant price.” – Cynthia Langwell (BioCell Pure User).

Looking for more info?

If you want to learn more about Modere Liquid BioCell, there is a video guide you can watch below.

This video delves into some critical questions about this collagen supplement and its sensationalized product claims, as well as what the research says, and whether or not taking them poses any risks. lastly, how it tastes and many other aspects after years of use.

Modere Liquid BioCell Side Effects – Final Verdict

Collagen supplements are generally safe to take, and there is little research on their side effects. Nonetheless, certain ingredients in Modere Liquid BioCell may cause drowsiness, headache, nausea, constipation, and a few other stomach-related issues.

The side effects are uncommon, mild, and experienced by only a few people. Modere’s Liquid BioCell collagen supplement may improve skin tone and fight aging by reducing wrinkles and fine lines. However, the results may vary.

BioCell Life is also not suitable for pregnant women or children under the age of 18. Also, do not exceed the Modere BioCell Life recommended dose.

Given for the benefits, Modere Liquid BioCell products are tremendously expensive. And you can get better alternatives at much lower prices. 

However, if you are willing to try any of their product we think the Liquid BioCell Life is a better one. You can look for more research and get your hands to user experience to make up your mind. 

That was all for the side effects of Modere Liquid BioCell. Now we would like to collect your thoughts on the supplement. What do you think of the Modere BioCell Collagen? Let us know in the comments.

FAQs On Liquid Biocell Life

Yes, Liquid Biocell is safe for breastfeeding or nursing mothers as it does not contain any fat burner like a trim burner also please consult your doctor.

As mentioned above the suggested dose of Liquid Biocell Life is to take at least 1 tablespoon a day and 2 for the max results and if you follow the directions it will last you 2 weeks or if taken 1 tablespoon/day it will last a full 30 days.

As per the manufacturer’s website, every modere product is passed through safety-checked components. Some of the modere products have been recognized by highly respected independent third-party test organizations.

To use Modere liquid Biocell collagen in a good way first step is to shake it well and drink then swish it around your mouth and the last step is after using the bottle place it in the fridge after opening the bottle to maintain the shelf life but make sure it doesn’t get freeze.

As you know that Modere comes in the drink form so when compared to the powder form of any collagen supplements it’s tastes like apple juice.

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