What Are the Potential Side Effects of Chupa Panza Tea?

Chupa Panza is an emerging detox supplement company that promises to show weight loss and give relief from digestive issues. The supplement contains only natural ingredients. 

Detox teas & supplements are a big hoax in the industry currently, and most of them turn out to be a failure with loads of side effects. 

Thus, Chupa Panza Tea’s side effects can worry you for once if you haven’t used it anytime yet. Nevertheless, being aware of side effects before consuming is very crucial. 

Also, there are reports by consumers that they face stomach cramps, bloating, and frequent bowel movements after drinking Chupa Panza tea. 

The article dives into the possible side effects of Chupa Panza Tea that you should keep in mind before you actually try this detox tea. 

So, without any further words, let’s dive in.

What is Chupa Panza Tea?

Chupa Panza Tea is a detox product by Chupa Panza that is made using natural ingredients to show weight loss results with a refreshing taste in your mouth.

The detox tea is also promoted for stomach issues like weight loss, and bloating, aid digestion, and increase your metabolism. 

It contains ingredients like Ginger, Flaxseed, Cinnamon, and pulp of pineapple fruit.

What is the mechanism behind Chupa Panza tea? Though the exact mechanism of Chupa Panza tea isn’t known, the weight loss result is thought to be achieved by increasing your metabolism with the help of its ingredients.

Chupa Panza tea can lead to colon cleansing, weight loss, and fat-burning effects as claimed. So, should you really fall for it? You’ll find it out in the later section.

Chupa Panza Tea Side Effects 

The detox tea by Chupa Panza is made of natural ingredients. However, this doesn’t provide you any assurance that Chupa Panza Tea won’t have any side effects. 

To begin with the Chupa Panza tea side effects, you should know that most users have reported increased bathroom trips and bowel movements as a result of consuming it. 

These side effects are a result of getting toxins flushed out of your body. However, the good thing is they might actually help relieve discomfort as a result of bloating and indigestion.

But, some side effects of Chupa Panza tea like stomach cramps, bloating, and frequent bathroom trips can really be troublesome. Below are some major side effects of Chupa Panza tea that you may notice after drinking it. 


Chupa Panza tea can lead to a number of stomach or digestive issues, one of which is bloating. It might occur to you right after you have drank your sip of Chupa Panza tea.  

Stomach Cramps

As mentioned in order to relieve digestive issues, Chupa Panza can increase your bowel movement with frequent bathroom trips. This can lead to hurting your stomach and giving you a stomach cramp.


Drinking Chupa Panza tea surely increases your bowel movement which is why you feel like rushing to the bathroom much more frequently. However, this might take the form of diarrhea and become a side effect. 


Chupa panza is known to relieve constipation but in certain cases, it can turn out as one of its side effects. However, it is mild and should generally go in a few days. 

Allergic reaction

One of the potential side effects of Chupa Panza tea is allergy. Allergic reactions are normal and you too may face it if you have an allergy to one or more ingredients of Chupa Panza tea. 

So, what should you do about these Chupa Panza tea side effects? The side effects are generally mild and should go away with time. 

You must stop taking the Chupa Panza tea and if the side effect is severe and persistent, seek medical attention firsthand. 

The next question ahead of us is, what should you do for these side effects to get relief? 

Read More: Menoslim Tea Side Effects: Is It Safe For Menopause Weight Loss?

Chupa Panza Side Effects – How To Minimize Them?

The side effects of Chupa Panza Tea are generally mild and the likeliness of facing them by you is quite low. But you must be prepared for the worst if you are taking a supplement marked detox and not approved by the FDA.

So, here are some tips that can help minimize the side effects of Chupa Panza tea and help get you relief. 

How to relieve bloating?

The general practical tip that you can follow is to sit straight for some time after you take your mean and if possible increase your physical activity.

How to get rid of diarrhea?

Diarrhea from Chupa Panza tea can be experienced as a part of increased bowel movement. To relieve diarrhea, drink plenty of fluids such as water and juices. Also, try to avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible.

What to do about constipation?

You can follow some general tips if you are feeling constipated after taking Chupa Panza tea. Try drinking enough water and incorporate as many fiber-rich foods as you can. 

How to ease allergic reactions?

Allergic reactions from Chupa Panza tea are very rare since they occur only when your body is allergic to a specific ingredient. Mild allergies will go on itself but serious allergies should get medical attention. 

These general tips could look small but when you face any Chupa Panza side effects can really affect the way you treat it. 

Read More: Arbonne Detox Tea Side Effects And Effectiveness 2023

Ingredients Inside Chupa Panza Tea

The Amazon product description for Chupa Panza Tea says it contains four active natural ingredients including Ginger Root, Flaxseeds, Pineapple, and Bark of the young branches of Cinnamon.

The detox tea doesn’t mention how much each ingredient uses. However, here’s what research says about these active ingredients:

1. Ginger Root

ginger with ginger powder kept in bowel
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Ginger is well-studied as a food and dietary supplement ingredient. And it commonly helps to enhance digestion and reduce nausea.

comprehensive review of over 100 randomized controlled trials with ginger found its use to enhance digestion.

One study discovered that consuming ginger with meals might reduce your appetite. The study included 10 overweight individuals who took 2g of ginger.

2. Flaxseed

flaxseed in a bowel
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Flaxseed comes from the flax plant and is commonly consumed in supplements as a source of dietary fiber and often helps with weight management and helps to prevent obesity (1).

Flaxseed has this fiber which slows digestion and increases feelings of fullness, which can help you eat less and be beneficial if you’re trying to lose or maintain weight.

According to a systematic review of 45 research trials, eating flaxseeds is an effective choice for weight management, particularly for people who are overweight or obese.

3. Cinnamon Bark 

Cinnamon Bark True cinnamon, or Cinnamomum verum, is manufactured from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree. several studies, however, have shown that cinnamon has several health benefits, including its role in lowering oxidative stress and inflammation.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple in Chupa panza tea somewhat has the same benefits as Ginger root. This fruit ingredient contains a group of digestive enzymes called bromelain. Supplementation with bromelain can aid our digestion (2).

Bromelain is commonly used in the food industry as a meat tenderizer due to its ability to aid in the breakdown and digestion of protein in the stomach (4).

The recommended dosage for pineapple to aid or work with digestion is between 200 mg to 2000 mg taken with a meal (3).

Pineapples are also a good source of fiber, which helps in overall digestive health.

Read More: Iaso Tea Side Effects: Does This Detox Tea Help You Cleanse?

Does Chupa Panza Detox Tea Help Weight Loss?

So does Chupa Panza Tea really help to lose weight?

After analyzing the ingredients of this supplement and the research behind these ingredients, we have not found any convincing evidence or clinical studies on the active ingredients in relation to weight loss.

We only identified one component, ginger root, as useful for weight loss, but the trial was quite small. The effective dosage of ginger root for weight loss was 2 g.

Based on the customer reviews of Chupa Panza Tea on Amazon, it seems that Chupa Panza Tea can help in weight loss. As stated, the dosage is not known for any active ingredients in Chupa Panza, but some people do still experience positive results.

However, just like any other detox tea this weight loss results will depend on various factors such as the dose, body weight, diet and exercise, training experience, and lifestyle changes.

This is the same in the case of Chupa Panza Tea, and as with any supplement, individual results may vary.

Finally, if you eat better or eat less while also exercising more, you can lose weight. You shouldn’t solely rely on Chupa Panza Tea or detox teas as weight loss supplements.

Read More: Tenzo Tea Review: Is Tenzo Tea Worth It Over Coffee?

Want to learn more about if Detox Tea is good for you?

Check out Dr. Mike’s video on detox teas and the Examine article on whether or not you need to detox. To learn more about Detox Teas/supplements, including if they are dangerous or simply a waste of money.

Is Chupa Panza Tea Safe To Drink Everyday?

Chupa Panza tea in general is safe to drink every day as long as you stick with its recommended dose. You can begin by taking half of the suggested dosage at first.

The side effects involved with drinking Chupa Panza tea include bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and in rare cases allergic reactions. 

Chupa Panza tea’s side effects are generally mild. And to relieve these side effects you can follow some general tips at home like drinking plenty of water and fibrous foods to get relief of diarrhea and constipation. 

If the side effects get severe, seek medical attention and speak with a medical professional of your choice while stopping the Chupa Panza tea consumption simultaneously. 

For further queries about Chupa Panza tea side effects, you can refer to the FAQs section. 

Top FAQs on Chupa Panza Tea

Chupa Panza Tea claims that its detox tea can aid in weight loss as well as detoxification, hydration, and skin toning.

This depends on your goals and needs. It may be good for those who want to get a rapid weight loss, remove toxins, and improve digestion.

If you’re interested in trying Chupa Panza Tea you can only able to purchase this product from Amazon.com from the brand Grupo Nutrivida GN + Vida.

Each package of Chupa Panza Tea contains 30 tea bags and costs $9.95, which equates to 0.33 per cup of tea.

You should read the label to make sure how often you can drink Chupa Panza Tea every day. Talk with your doctor if necessary.

Drinking too much Chupa Panza Tea or any detox tea can make you poop because they have a laxative effect. This effect can cause changes in your digestive system that make it easier for you to poop.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7019938/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22538118/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28635182/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6352252/
  5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25629927/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27602208/
  7. https://examine.com/supplements/bromelain/#examine-database/
  8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34959865/
  9. https://examine.com/categories/liver-health/faq/ZQGZn2Y-do-you-need-to-detox/
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2 years ago

I’ve been drinking Chupa Pansa for about 3 weeks now and I’ve lost the total of 9lbs and I love the taste of the tea

Danesa Burgos
Danesa Burgos
2 years ago

I’m sorry to bother you but is about the tea !! What time is good to drinking morning or nights

Health On Planet
2 years ago
Reply to  Danesa Burgos

Hello Manuela,

We think it is best to take this tea before going to bed to see its effect. It’s because it may cause cramps and make you rush to the toilet which you surely would want to avoid during the daytime.

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