Bone Spicule In Gums: Know Its Causes And Treatment Options

Well, let’s begin by enquiring about a question first! Do you feel something sharp hitting your tongue right now? If yes, then the chances that it’s a bone spicule are very high.

Sharp bone or bone spicules are the results of either faulty or normal dental procedures. However, if you have a sharp bone, you should not be concerned.

However, a faulty dental procedure is not always the source of a bone spur in your gums. Some people are born with it, while others acquire it as a result of a fatal accident.

The article discusses what you should do if you have a sharp bone in your gums. In addition to discussing various treatment options, we will investigate various causes.

Having said that, it’s time to get started.

What Are Oral Bone Spurs?

To fully comprehend the sharp bone, you must first understand what a bone spur is. A bone spur is a non-structural bone that feels like an extra bone.

When a bone spur develops over your gum, we call it an oral bone spur. Dentists commonly refer to it as bone sequestra. Now, why is a sharp bone a cause for concern?

The first reason is that it is quite irritating to your tongues and constantly seeks your attention throughout the day. Another reason is that sharp bones may cause future complications that you should avoid.

Now that you understand what a bone spur is, let’s move on to the treatment.

Symptoms Of A Bone Spur In Mouth

The bone spurs in your mouth cause some noticeable symptoms that can help you identify them. This is great because most bone spurs occur in different parts of the body and cause almost no symptoms.

Symptoms of Bone Spurs in the Mouth:

  1. Your gums have a rough feeling.
  2. When looking in the mirror at your gums, you can see white fragments.
  3. Sharp slivers causing discomfort/irritation on your tongue
  4. Gum pain due to an unknown cause

So, once you’ve identified the bone spur based on the symptoms, you can proceed with the treatment.

Bone Spur In Mouth Treatment Options

A bone spur in your mouth must be removed to avoid infection and further complications. Even dental professionals advise the same thing.

The best option is to have a bone spur removed via minor surgery. The procedure is mostly minimally invasive. However, if you had a tooth extracted, your dentist may consider other options.

Alveoplasty is another safe method of removing the bone spur. It’s a non-invasive procedure that’s mostly used if you’ve recently had a tooth extracted.

During Alveoplasty, your dentist uses special tools and equipment to smooth out your bone spur. Alveoplasty is a dental procedure that is commonly performed while your jawbone is being prepared for dentures.

Is it possible to treat a bone spur at home? That’s an easy no because doing so may dislodge the clot that has formed at the site, worsening the situation.

However, One thing you can do is leave the bone spur alone. Because the sharp bone can escape if it is loosely attached in some cases. It will, however, take time.

In critical cases, your dentist will use radiographic imaging (X-ray) to determine the depth of the bone spur. Following the oral examination, they will advise you on the steps you should take to treat it.

I hope you know how to treat a sharp bone stuck in your gum. Let’s look at some of the factors that contribute to the formation of a bone spicule.

What Causes Sharp Bone To Stick Out of Gums?

As previously stated, bone spurs do not have a specific cause. However, dental extraction of wisdom teeth is a very common cause among children.

Among the causes of a bone spicule are:

  • Extraction of wisdom teeth
  • Improper growth of a tooth
  • Gingivitis, also known as gum disease
  • Dental implants
  • Mandibular tori
  • Traumatic injury
  • Tooth decay

Now that you’ve learned about the majority of the causes, let’s dig a little deeper into some of the most common. This will help you understand how a bone spicule forms.

1. Mandibular Tori

Mandibular Tori is a bone spicule found primarily in your mandible. This type of bone outgrowth occurs near the surface of your tongue.

It is more common in men than in women. Bruxism and adulthood are two well-known causes of mandibular tori.

2. Wisdom Tooth Eruption

The cause we discussed at the outset, is a faulty dental procedure. It can happen when you go to the dentist to have your wisdom tooth extracted.

If the impacted wisdom teeth are unable to come out properly, a sharp bone develops around that tooth. The bone spicules give the appearance of erratic false teeth.

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3. Excessive Calcium Deposit

If you have ever been in an accident that caused damage to your jawbone, calcium accumulation in the area may result in the formation of a sharp bone.

To ensure faster healing, a continuous supply of calcium is maintained to your affected area. Excess deposition, on the other hand, may result in the formation of bone spurs in some cases.

Dental trauma and a genetic disorder are two other possible causes of bone spicule over gums. However, the genetic disorder that causes such a condition is extremely rare.

Here’s something else to think about after you’ve learned about the causes and treatment of a bone spur in the mouth. Some methods for relieving pain caused by bone spicules are listed below.

How To Ease Pain and Discomfort Caused By Sharp Bone?

A bone spur is very likely to cause pain, swelling, and discomfort in your gums. So, how do you alleviate these symptoms? Here are the steps to take.

  • OTC (over-the-counter) medication can be extremely beneficial in reducing swelling and pain caused by the bone spicule.
  • Unless your dentist advises against it, consider gargling with salt water on a regular basis.
  • To keep food particles and debris away from the site, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouth rinse. It will also help to reduce inflammation.

That is all you can do at home to relieve pain caused by a sticking bone in your gum.

Bone Spur Potential Complications

A bone spur in your mouth can be treated safely by visiting a dentist in your area. However, even after treatment, it can lead to further complications.

Here are some of the potential complications of a bone spur in the mouth:

  • Discomfort in your mouth, similar to a tiny sharp flake stuck on one of your gums.
  • Redness, swelling, and roughness on your gums.
  • Infection symptoms include inflammation, fever, and headaches.
  • Pain and irritation in your mouth.

Can a bone spicule go on its own?

Bone spicules are not a cause for concern because they are completely normal. In many cases, they will spontaneously erupt from your gum. However, this automatic/natural process will take several weeks or months to complete.

Thus, if you notice a bone spicule, don’t be alarmed; instead, wait a few days for it to fall on its own.

In addition, if the condition persists for more than a month or two, notify your dentist. Then think about having it operated on and removed.

The Bottom Line

If you have a bone spur, do not be concerned and remain calm. It is common following oral procedures and is treatable. The bone spicules pose no long-term risk to your health.

For a week, take good care of it. It should most likely come out on its own. However, if the bone spur is still stuck in your mouth after several weeks, consult a dentist.

Aside from that, use the tips provided to alleviate your pain and swelling. If you are feeling ill or notice any other signs of inflammation, make an appointment as soon as possible.

Still, have questions about bone spurs or spicules? Please do not hesitate to inquire.

FAQs On Sharp Bone Sticking Out Of Gum

Dental procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction, gum trauma, and mandibular tori can all cause bone spurs in the mouth.

The bone spicule mostly moves on its own. However, if it does not go away within 1-2 weeks, consult your dentist and seek immediate surgery. Do not attempt to remove it on your own.

Bone after a wisdom tooth extraction is not normal; it is the result of dental trauma or a failed dental procedure. If you notice a bone spur after wisdom teeth extraction, you should contact your dentist.

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beth Hess
beth Hess
3 years ago

I have an are of bone about 3 4ths of an inch long, along my jaw bone. I have been to the dentist twice now( after an extraction of molar) It looks like a white line protruding from my gums. Can you tell me what it is?

Health On Planet
3 years ago
Reply to  beth Hess

Probably you got a bony spicule as a result of molar extraction. And as these spicules do not have a DIY solution, you must speak to your dentist without fail about the issue. Hope it gets better.

martha craig
martha craig
2 years ago

I have 2 bone spurs that appeared and felt after lower teeth extractions . Oral surgeon says I need alveoloplasty at quite an expense for ea. one ( I don’t have Idental insurance) before I can have implants. Was trying to avoid costly implants,butmy lower denture won’t stay down for any length of time even tho I use the “goo:” several times a day!

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