Vigor Labs Reviews: Does The Men’s Health Product Work OR Scam?

Vigor Labs is a men’s health supplements company that focuses on creating products for men’s general health, body-building, fitness, and also for sexual wellness. There is something for every man at the Vigor Labs website due to its extensive range of products.

Moreover, Vigor Labs makes products that are affordable and easy to use. However, the main dilemma with male enhancement or body-building supplements is their safety and effectiveness. 

In the Vigor Labs review, we looked if the supplements made by Vigor Lab are really legit and live up to the claims they make. We looked into some of the popular supplements like Black Snake, Chainsaw, and Ball refills and evaluated them thoroughly.

Having said that, let’s dive into the Vigor Labs review.

Vigor Labs Overview

Vigor Labs is a male supplement manufacturer that specializes in supplements that can boost men’s sexual health, help them build muscles, and improve general health.

The company claims they have something for every man in their product lineup. Their brand is completely focused on male health enhancement.

A few popular products from Vigor Labs include Vigor Snake, Wrecking Balls, Ball Refill Gold, Chain Saw, and Gut Cut. Every product has its specific benefit for males. 

The company has a Better Business Bureau profile however, it isn’t BBB accredited which makes us doubt its legitimacy.

However, all Vigot Labs products are manufactured under a cGMP-verified laboratory. Thus you can be assured of the quality of their supplements.

Vigor Labs Supplements Ingredient

Ingredients give us the best insight into any product. So we decided to first look into the details of ingredients Vigor Labs makes use of in various supplements.

So, here are the top 5 supplements you probably have heard the most and their ingredient profiles.

Let’s look what are the key benefits of these ingredients in Vigor Labs and if they are safe to use.


Ingredients in Ball Refills: Longjack, Graminex Flower Pollen, Tribulus Terrestris, Niacin, Yohimbe, and Ginkgo.

Vigor Labs Balls claims to elevate prostate health and amplify the potential of males’ genitals by making use of some powerful herbal extracts.

Benefits of key ingredients in Vigor Labs Ball Refill:

  • Longjack presence can improve testosterone levels, male fertility, muscle mass, and athletic presence.
  • Studies show Graminex Pollen Extract to help with the treatment of Prostatodynia and Prostatitis. 
  • Tribulus Terrestris can help keep the urinary tract healthy, enhance libido, and can increase your testosterone level.
  • Yohimbe’s presence in Ball Refill can help with erectile dysfunction, weight loss, and diabetic neuropathy.


Ingredients in Chainsaw: Niacin, Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Cnidium, Rhodiola, and Ginseng.

Chainsaw is another male enhancement supplement designed to enhance stamina, and erection and achieve great sexual drive.

Benefits of key ingredients in Vigor Labs Chainsaw:

  • Niacin presence could have several benefits like lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good one, improving brain functioning, and reducing symptoms of arthritis.
  • Chainsaw uses Horny Goat Weed which contains chemicals that may improve sexual functioning in men.
  • Cnidium can be taken directly by mouth to sex drive and performance in males. It may also help treat erectile dysfunction.
  • Rhodiola’s presence in Vigor Labs can help increase strength, energy, stamina, and mental capacity.
  • Ginseng is a potential source of antioxidants that can improve erectile dysfunction and help fight tiredness.


Ingredients in Wrecking Balls: Niacin, Potency Wood, Ginkgo, Royal Jelly, Longjack, and Tribulus Terrestris.

Wrecking Ball is claimed to increase natural testosterone levels. An increase in testosterone level in turn can help gain lean muscle, feel energized, and boost stamina.

Benefits of key ingredients in Vigor Labs Wrecking Balls:

  • Niacin, Longjack, and Tribulus Terrestris are already seen to benefit testosterone levels, fertility, and stamina in males. 
  • Ginkgo in Vigor Labs makes it an antioxidant hub and can provide benefits like improving blood circulation, reducing anxiety, and improving vision.
  • Potency wood is used to improve sexual interest, prevent sexual disorders, and is often used in menstrual disorders.
  • Royal jelly can help with sleep troubles(insomnia), menopause syndromes, and PMS (premenstrual syndrome).


Ingredients in Black Snake: Niacin, L-arginine, Muira Puama (Potency Wood), Orchic, Stinging Nettle, and Longjack.

Black Snake is also a sexual enhancement supplement for enhancing erection and endurance to perform better in the bedroom.

Benefits of key ingredients in Vigor Labs Black Snake:

  • Niacin, Longjack, and potency wood have the same benefits as in the case of other Vigor Lab products.
  • Orchic extract can help men maintain healthy testicular function and it is made from cattle testicles.
  • L-arginine presence in Vigor Labs can help men between the ages of 25 and 40 treat erectile dysfunction. But it can achieve it with other supplements not alone.
  • Stinging nettle may help with prostate symptoms and help lower blood pressure.


Ingredients in Gut Cut: Sesame, Ashwagandha, Chitosan, White Kidney Bean, and Yerba Mate.

Vigor Labs Gut Cut is said to help you lose weight by improving your gut health and maintaining healthy thyroid function. The herbal extract present in Gut Cut works synergistically to help you lose weight.

Benefits of key ingredients in Vigor Labs Gut Cut:

  • Chitosan has been clinically studied to inhibit dietary fat and carb absorption.
  • Sesame in Vigor Labs is a good source of fiber, and vitamin B and can support healthy bones.
  • Ashwagandha is found to help assist thyroid health and can also boost testosterone and fertility in men.
  • White Kidney Bean is a rich source of minerals, fibers, and antioxidants. Thus it may aid in weight loss.
  • Yerba Mate in Gut Cut has the potential to boost immunity, and physical performance and help you lose weight.

Bottom Line:

Most supplements from vigor labs seem to provide male enhancement benefits such as sexual drive and stamina boost. However, we think these are all same products with little change in ingredients and branding.

Now for safety part, since most ingredients are natural extracts they should be safe. Also, we do expect the ingredients to provide some male enhancement benefits.

Vigor Labs – Pros and Cons

Some of the best things/pros of Vigor Labs products are:

  • The capsules are easy to swallow and their size isn’t an issue.
  • Chainsaw could affect your stamina and endurance positively.
  • There are some product prices as low as $20, which makes it affordable compared to other male enhancements.
  • Gut Cut extreme fat burner can metabolism and energy and have some weight loss benefits.
  • Vigor Labs’ official website is well-designed and informative.

There are always two sides to any product. Here’s what cons you get to deal with Vigor Labs supplement.

  • Vigor Lab has a poor BBB profile without any reviews and ratings.
  • The return policy is not applicable on Amazon for some products.
  • Most of the products from them provide similar benefits related to sexual health.

Vigor Labs Benefits

Since Vigor Lab has a huge lineup of male enhancement products we will cover their benefits in short. That should be enough for these.

  1. Wrecking Balls: Its benefits include lean muscle gain, improving stamina, and strength, and providing better bedroom performance.
  2. Ball Refill: It helps elevate your prostate health and increase your semen volume. And it assures you an amazing climax.
  3. Black Antler: This can enhance your body-building workout result and result in the greatest lean muscle mass gain. Black Antler turns you into a long-lasting strength trainer.
  4. Chainsaw: One of the most popular products of Vigor Labs after Ball refill, Chainsaw, can help enhance your endurance and erection. It claims to keep you strong all night long.
  5. Hangover Gold: Vigor Lab’s Hangover Gold, can help you wake up rehydrated and re-energized to again get back to work at the same potential.
  6. Black Snake: If you really care about the size of your erection, then Black Snake could be the right choice for you. It is a potent blood flow stimulator and enhances your endurance for a more satisfying experience.
  7. Gut Cut: It is a weight loss supplement and helps you get a healthy gut or thyroid health. Vigor Labs believes that there’s a direct relationship between your thyroid and weight loss.

That was all about the benefits of different Vigor Labs products. Let’s head towards the pricing of these supplements.

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Are There Any Side Effects of Vigor Labs?

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Even though Vigor Labs supplement mostly used natural and herbal extracts, few users did face side effects using them. Thus, it is best to consult your doctor before you start with Vigor Labs directly.

The common Vigor Labs side effects include:

  • Nausea and enlarged prostate.
  • Increase heart rate.
  • Increase in blood pressure. 
  • Diabetes.
  • Breathing problems.

The side effects are mostly dependent on how your body responds to different ingredients. Thus, the side effects of using different Vigor Labs supplements will vary from user to user.

Caution: Dietary supplements aren’t verified by the FDA, thus you should be careful while using them. In case you have some medical condition avoid taking Vigor Labs or any other supplements.

Where to buy Vigor Labs?

You can purchase Vigor Labs products through Amazon and from their official website. On their official website, Vigor Labs products’ price range is usually between $46 to $20.

At Amazon, their product’s return policy varies and most of the products available at Amazon have no return policy. Also, the return policy available on some Vigor Labs supplements is short.

Thus, we think buying from Vigor Labs’ official website is probably a better choice than buying from other retail stores. Since you can enjoy a full refund in case you didn’t open up the container provided.

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Pricing Of Vigor Labs Products

As for the Vigor Labs products prices, they are listed on their official store in the category of All Vigor Labs Products. The pricing of Vigor Labs products is as follows:

Vigor Labs ProductPricing (Official Store)
Raw IGF 1 Muscle Growth$39.99
Raw H.G.F Growth Support$39.99
Wrecking Balls$24.99
Ball Refill$24.99
Black Antler$39.99
Chainsaw Mint Flavoured Sublingual Tablet$19.99
Hangover Gold$14.95
Chainsaw Gold Limited edition$30
Black Snake Gold Limited Edition$45.99
Black Snake$39.99
Vigor Male Multivitamin$14.95
Gut Cut$19.95
Price Chart For Vigor Labs

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Are Vigor Labs worth your money?

Just like any other male enhancement supplement Vigor Labs may improve your Vigor, Libido, Sex Drive, and Stamina. However, a good part about is its cost-effective and comes with a money-back guarantee.

Thus in case, you are looking for some male enhancement supplement that is budget-friendly, Vigor Labs could be worth a look.

Also since it has a 30-day money-back guarantee, even if you buy many supplements and don’t feel like using them, they offer a refund.

It’s worth mentioning that Vigor Labs manufactures dietary supplements. Thus, do not use it to cure, treat, or diagnose any health condition.

Note: Most ingredients in Vigor Labs lack strong evidence from research to help with these benefits. Making some healthy changes in lifestyle habits and diet patterns can also be helpful in enhancing your bedroom performance.

Customer Reviews Of Vigor Labs

Reviews of Vigor Labs products are mixed. While most of the reviewers praised their products, some reviewers also said, it’s a waste of money and doesn’t work.

Note: The Vigor Labs reviews we are including are from Amazon and not from their official site. Official sites always try to hide the dark reviews and make the product look good most of the time.

Here are some positive and negative reviews of Vigor Labs products which include:

“It works, Period. If you think taking a couple of pills and your junk grows to 10 inches, this is NOT for you. This works amazing for guys who are already great in the sack. Adds an extra advantage to support hardness and tons of baby juice. Bring a towel and two pills” – F. Fletch.

“Works great! Increases sensitivity and definitely increases volume. Not everything works for everyone but this definitely works for me. I recommend this one hundred percent!” – Ken R.

Made me nauseous, anxious, very uncomfortable” – Lewis D Gartenberg.

“Does not increase the count or does not do what it says. Made me feel sick each time I took it” – Carlos Gonzalez.

“Didn’t work at all. Just made me nauseated for two days straight. Thought it had a guarantee, but apparently not” – Rob R. 

Vigor Labs Reviews Takeaway

Vigor Labs supplements are completely focused on men’s health, body-building, and improving sexual performance.

Even though they have a number of products in their lineup, most of them have similar benefits. Some products can also help you with strengthening your body-building workout and making you lose weight.

However, compared to other male enhancement products with similar benefits Vigor Labs seems an affordable choice. Also, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee on a sealed product refund.

Thus, if you feel you are unable to perform better in life due to some issues such as lack of Vigor, Libido, stamina, and other factors, you may consider Vigor Labs.

That was all for the Vigor Labs review. Now, we would love to listen to you. What do you think of male enhancement supplements? Did something work out better than Vigor Labs? Let us know.


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