Fitteam Fit Review (2023): Does It Really Help You Lose Weight?

Losing weight is not always about exercise and workouts. To lose weight you also need to tailor your diets and drinks. While trying to find some beverage to assist with your weight loss routine, there’s a high chance you met to find FitTeam Fit sticks on the way.

And probably, that’s the reason why you are here! This article will take an in-depth look at Fitteam’s Fit review, starting from what it is? What does FitTeam Fit do? What ingredients does it contain? Its side effects and its pricing and customer experiences.

Excited to explore FitTeam’s Fit! Take a deep breath and let’s dive in.

What is FitTeam Fit? And What does it do?

FitTeam Fit is a beverage made from a blend of natural ingredients which are USDA Certified Organic and come in the form of individual stocks. These sticks are designed in a way that can be enjoyed on the go.

Now, what does Fitteam’s Fit do? Well, it can lift your mood up, provide instant energy, aid with your weight loss routine, and suppress appetite, Fitteam claims. 

Fitteam Company Overview

FitTeam Fit is a US-based company doing business since 2014 and located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The company behind the FitTeam Fit supplements is FitTeam Global.

Aside from their “Hero product”- Fitteam Fit drinks they also make a variety of beverages that help lose weight, boost your immune, hydration, and many more issues.

The company also releases new products from time to time and continues to provide its users with actually helpful products. It could be in any form like growing specific health, immunity to various wellness goals.

Rather than promoting their products FitTeam Global company also encourages you to drink 70 ounces of water each day by engaging in physical exercise to see astonishing weight loss results.

Please note that the information above is accurate at the time of publication, and this can be changed at any time based upon the company’s wish to change its main goals.

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Ingredients In FitTeam Fit

The base of any great product is formed by the ingredients it uses. Let’s take a tour of FitTeam Fit Ingredients and what benefits these ingredients carry with them individually.

The major ingredients in FitTeam Fit Sticks are Caffeine, White Tea Extract, Garcinia Cambogia, Green Tea Extract, Ashwagandha, Grapefruit extract, Red Yeast Rice, Blueberry Powder, and Cayenne Pepper.

Note: Every ingredient used in FitTeam Fit is organic.

1. Caffeine

The very first ingredient of FitTeam Fit, Caffeine, can help prevent Alzheimer’s and weight gain. It can even help support weight loss maintenance as per a clinical study

Another study by the Journal of International Support Nutrition showed caffeine to curb appetite and a good source of energy before high-intensity exercise. However, too much caffeine can be addictive and its addiction may raise your blood pressure. 

The good part about FitTeam Fit is, the amount of caffeine it contains is less than a cup of coffee.

2. White Tea Extract

The presence of White Tea Extract in FitTeam Fit can help prevent the formation of new fat cells and also stimulate the breakdown of existing ones. (Source

Just like caffeine white tea extract also helps to protect you against Alzheimer’s and even Perkinson’s disease. Thus, its presence in Fit Sticks can have multiple benefits.

3. Garcinia Cambogia

It can help support your appetite through natural means. Along with it, garcinia Cambogia is widely in discussion for its HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) content. HCA suppresses the enzyme used by your body to make fat, citrate lyase.

As per the Journal Of Obesity, garcinia extract can help with short-term weight loss. The long-term effect of Garcinia Cambogia includes improvement in glucose and lipids blood profile in obese and overweight people. 

Thus, garcinia extract presence can also support your weight loss program. But, at the same time, its presence makes FitTeam Fit unsafe for pregnant and nursing mothers. Also, higher amounts of Garcinia Cambogia is associated with varieties of health problems.

4. Green Tea Extracts

Extracts of Green tea can be a clean sustained natural energy boost. Its presence in FitTeam Fit can also aid with improved exercise performance and post-workout recovery.

Green tea extracts are also healthy for your brain. As per MDPI Nutrients, green tea can mediate weight loss and also regulate the aging of your skin cells. It may also help keep cardiovascular ailments far away.

5. Ashwagandha

The adaptogen present in FitTeam Fit i.e. Ashwagandha can help enhance your mood by reducing anxiety and stress. It can also help reduce depression symptoms.

As per African Journal AJTCAM, Ashwagandha can even promote sexual health and improve cell-mediated immunity.

6. Grapefruit Extract

Having fresh grapefruit daily may increase weight loss in overweight people by suppressing their appetite. The grapefruit extract has somewhat similar health benefits to FitTeam Fit Sticks.

The National Library of Medicine finds it reasonable to include grapefruit in your diet for weight reduction. Another research shows grapefruit to reduce body weight in women and also lower their waist circumference.

7. Red Yeast Rice

The next ingredient in the Fitteam Fit supplement is red yeast rice. The red yeast rice has a common application in the natural treatment of high cholesterol. 

As per a study by Front Pharmacol, it was found that Red Yeast Rice can also aid with anti-cancer, anti-fatigue, anti-inflammatory, and anti-obesity-related activities.

8. Blueberry Powder

The presence of Blueberry Powder in Fit Sticks can help control glucose level, enhance mood, and can also improve cognitive power. (Source)

The anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective and antioxidant property of blueberry helps it to provide well-regulated glucose to tissues that are insulin sensitive. It can also help to improve your metabolism. Thus overall this Fitteam Fit Ingredient benefits you in several ways. (Source: International Review-Journal)

9. Cayenne Extract

Extract of Cayenne can also help suppress your appetite and give a boost to your metabolism. It can also help improve digestive health for better digestion.

As per the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Science, Cayenne can benefit from metabolic syndrome and also decrease mortality risk due to cardiovascular disease.

That was all you needed to know about ingredients present in Fitteam Fit sticks. Most of the ingredients carry numerous health benefits. While some also make Fitteam unsafe for Pregnant and Nursing mothers just like Garcinia Cambogia.

Ingredients Crux: Almost all the ingredients used in Fitteam’s Fit are safe for a healthy person without a medical history. They are completely organic and each ingredient carries its own benefits. These benefits range from suppressing your appetite, improving metabolic functions to enhancing your mood and brain focus.

What Benefits Does FitTeam Fit Provide?

Along with weight loss, there are several other benefits that FitTeam Fit drinks/Fit sticks offer us. 

  • It helps the users to boost energy levels, reduce stress, and is useful when used as a pre-workout drink.
  • On their official website, they claim that their drinks contain no-calorie and no added sugar.
  • FitTeam Fit comes in individual packaging which makes it easy to use, as it does not require any refrigerators or preservatives to store it.
  • FitTeam Fit uses ingredients which is USDA certified, Vegan-friendly, Non-GMO, gluten-free,soy-free, and certified koshers.
  • The size of the fit team sticks are so small this makes it easy to carry the sticks while going to the office or frequently visiting any places.

Summary: Fitteam Fit sticks have antioxidant benefits, can control blood sugar levels, enhance fat loss and your mood, increase metabolism and also improve mental focus. To help best with your weight loss routine, it even benefits to curb appetite.

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Risks Factors and Side Effects of FitTeam Fit

While none of the active ingredients in FitTeam Fit are reported to be dangerous and cause you any serious side effects when taken in low doses, it’s still a good idea to consider your doctor before taking any supplements.

For women who are pregnant or in the breastfeeding stage, it’s recommended not to take FitTeam Fit. As their ingredients may trigger some mild and severe side effects in them.

Here are some critical side effects of FitTeam Fit noted by some people:

Nausea, sweating, increased respiration, nervousness, insomnia, vomiting, increased or rapid heart rate, restlessness, stomach irritation, acid reflux, and flushing.

As we know that Fit sticks constitute caffeine and green tea extracts as their ingredients, consuming them in larger amounts may give you serious side effects. That’s why the company Fitteam recommends that individuals who use this product should not consume other drinks which are high in caffeine or green tea powder.

Taking Fitteam if you are on any sort of medication can prove to be dangerous, Fitteam advises. As some medications could possibly interact with the active ingredients of FitTeam Fit and put you at serious health risk.

As these supplements haven’t been evaluated by FDA, so determining the problems which may arise due to these interactions is difficult.

Where to buy FitTeam Fit?

FitTeam Fit are available online at their official website or you can also find them at online vendors including Amazon, Walmarts, GNC and Walgreens. If you buy FitTeam Fit online you can shop for one package of FitTeam Containing 30 sticks of drinks.

Note: If you buy FitTeam Fit from online vendors make sure it’s from official or verified sellers to ensure you get the original product.

Their product is available worldwide, including in countries like; the USA, Australia, Spain, UK, Italy, Canada, France and New Zealand.

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Is Fitteam Safe For All?

Let’s come to the safety part of Fitteam’s Fit. Well, no supplement is ever designed in a way that every single person can consume it. Just, like any other supplement Fitteam’s Fit is safe for everyone except: 

  • Pregnant lady and Nursing Mothers.
  • Children who are below 18 years. 
  • Patients with medical conditions like heart problems and high blood pressure.

Note: Also do not use this supplement if you find yourself allergic to any one of its ingredients. Still, in such cases, if you want to give Fitteam Fit a try, consider consulting your doctor before any further action. 

FitTeam Fit Cost and Pricing Details

FitTeam Fit typically costs you around $66.99 if you don’t sign up for their membership to get extra savings and to sign up, their membership you have to pay $14.99 to enjoy extra pay-off.

Pricing of FitTeam Fit as per one serving sachets include:

  • 30 one serving sachets of FitTeam Fit will cost you $70
  • 60 one serving sachets of FitTeam Fit will cost you $134
  • 120 one serving sachets of FitTeam Fit will cost $268
  • 270 one serving sachets of FitTeam Fit will cost you $602.99

If you prefer to take their membership you will receive two extra benefits: 

  1. They will give you one or two free boxes of their product and 
  2. You can cancel their membership at any time without any loss.

FitTeam Fit Return Policy

You can return your FitTeam Fit within 90 days from the order date along with its original packaging. Only at your first order, you are eligible to return FitTeam Fit. 

Please keep in mind that membership fees, shipping and handling charges will not be refunded learn more about FitTeam Fit return policies from their return policy page.

Return policies of retailers who sell FitTeam Fit may vary please check the store’s policy while visiting any retail store where FitTeam Fit is available.

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Is Fitteam A Good Choice To Lose Weight?

If you think Fitteam Fit would do miracles to your weight loss routine, then you may need to stop for a while and rethink the same. Fitteam Fit is just a beverage that can assist with your weight loss routine.

Surely, it helps you shed a few pounds but it doesn’t help you to burn fat directly. Along with weight loss, it also benefits your mood, improves metabolic rate, and provides energy for your daily workout routine.

So, if you want to rely completely on Fitteam’s Fit for your weight loss, then that’s not a good idea to go with.

Customers Reviews: Good to Critical

Reviews of FitTeam Fit are mixed while the vast majority of reviewers at amazon and from their official store praise the FitTeam Fit, other reviewers have mentioned some issues while using or having it.

Fitteam Review Takeaway

No product is perfect, and not every supplement works for everyone. The same goes with Fitteam. Still, many Fitteam reviewers noted improvement in their energy level, stress and weight loss. 

As per our review of Fitteam Fit sticks, we found this supplement carries some potential to make you feel more energetic, control your appetite to make you lose weight, and provide decent improvement in your mood. And, this gives you quite a decent result as a weight loss supplement.

Now, we would love to listen to you. What’s your personal take on Fitteam Fit sticks? Ever tried them? How was your experience? Do let us know using our discussion box below. 🙂

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Aleesha Furgeson
Aleesha Furgeson
1 year ago

This product is garbage. Don’t be fooled like thousands of others are. Be proactive in doing your thorough research. Then warn others. This product is just an overpriced cup of coffee. Drink a cup a coffee and you will get the same exact affects without the leg cramps. Also, they ship out overpriced expired garbage and the refund guarantee is a lie as well. Don’t be fooled people. Wake up and smell the coffee and go buy yourself something better.

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