Is Dr. Gundry MCT Wellness A Hoax? Revealing The Truth

Medium-chain Triglycerides have seen significant growth in recent years due to their published or expected benefits, including improved cognition, increased fat burning, healthy weight management, and boosted energy levels.

For those looking to lose weight, these benefits sound promising, but the problem is that their benefits are overhyped or exaggerated from the point of benefits.

So we’ll analyze one of the popular MCT oils from Gundry MD (MCT Wellness) and analyze everything related to MCT Wellness from the research on its ingredients to whether this supplement is a hoax or not.

Keep reading to learn much more about MCT Wellness.

What is MCT Wellness?

MCT Wellness by Gundry MD is a plant-based supplement designed to improve complexion, boost metabolism, and aid in fat burning.

MCT Wellness is primarily marketed as a supplement to help support a healthy metabolism, increase your energy, and help clear mental sharpness.

The fruit-flavored powder can be mixed with water or juice and enjoyed in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

According to the information on the MCT Wellness sales page, their uniquely potent blend of caprylic acid is one of the most powerful medium-chain triglycerides known to man and bioflavonoids.

These two ingredients in MCT Wellness can help to increase your ketone production leading to fat burn.

This supplement’s ingredients contain some evidence or research indicating how they improve complexion, burn fat, boost metabolism, and improve cognition, which aligns with the brand’s claims.

However, our concern is related to product dosage information which means MCT Wellness is underdosed compared to the amounts seen in studies.

Gundry MD, MCT Wellness manufacturer, has a number of supplements in their shop ranging from several immunity supplements and skin care products to some other foods and products.

Who founded MCT Wellness?

To begin with, MCT Wellness, knowing the root of its creation is crucial. If the supplement comes from a well-known brand, the likeliness of it being an MCT wellness hoax is very low. 

MCT Wellness is a product of Gundry MD. The company name comes from its co-founder Dr. Steven Gundry who was a cardiologist by profession.

Gundry MD is the same company manufacturing some top supplements like Total Restore, Vital Reds, and Bio Complete 3. 

Since the brand is well-reputed and founded by a medical professional, there are fewer chances that MCT wellness will turn out to be a hoax. 

Gundry MD is a BBB-accredited business and has a 4 out of 5 rating on its BBB profile. This is an indication that the company is involved in fair business practices and successfully resolving their consumer’s complaints on time. 

Ingredients In MCT Wellness

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Now, since we know that the company is legit and not a supplement scam, to see whether MCT wellness is a hoax, it is important that we dive into their ingredients section.

The MCT wellness incorporated 3 blends in higher dosages: MCT Prebiotic Blend, Redcurrant and Blackcurrant extract, and Grape Polyphenol Complex.

Let us break down these complexes in MCT Wellness one by one.

1. MCT Prebiotic Blend (5500 mg)

The MCT Prebiotic Blend is made from two ingredients, MCT Oil Powder and Acacia gums. 

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Oil is a saturated fatty acid that is popular for two reasons: it helps increase energy, supports metabolism, and promotes weight loss.

Clinically MCT oil has shown effective weight loss results and improved insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes patients. 

MCT Wellness’s main source of medium-chain triglycerides is the caprylic acid that increases the ketones in the body helping to burn more fat.

Acacia gum in MCT Wellness can support weight management and improve digestion. 

2. Redcurrant and Blackcurrant Extract (400 mg)

As the name says this blend has extracts of redcurrant and blackcurrant. Redcurrants are generally thought to be a source of dietary fiber and help the digestive system. 

They are high in Vitamin C and thus also have benefits for your immune system and skin as well. It is also rich in a variety of vitamins and antioxidants that can support heart health, prevent diabetes, and support healthy blood sugar levels. 

Blackcurrants can also have some weight loss benefits. Taking blackcurrant extract at a dose of 600 mg for 7 consecutive days was able to help burn body fat by 25%.

3. Grape Polyphenol Extract (250 mg) 

The grape polyphenol extract is made for red grape extract and grape seed extract. 

Red grape extracts are rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that can help provide you with a number of health benefits. It can regulate blood sugar levels, improve cardiovascular health and cognitive health, and also reduce inflammation. 

Grape seed extract might help reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. While sometimes grape seed extracts are recommended for weight loss, more research is needed to confirm their effect on weight loss.

The Benefits Of MCT Wellness

Some of them have previously been hinted at, but if you’re wondering what are some of the top benefits of MCT Wellness, we’ve got you covered. The main benefits you could obtain from consuming MCT Wellness are:

  • Boosts immune system.
  • Boosts mental focus and metabolism.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Can help with skin health and anti-aging.
  • Increased energy.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Improve gut health and digestion.

MCT Wellness Side Effects

MCT Wellness is unlikely to have major side effects, but as with any supplement, there are chances of possible side effects.

Since MCT Wellness’s key ingredient is MCT oil powder and can cause side effects and stomach upset, including diarrhea and vomiting, especially at higher doses.

Also, continued use of MCT oil products such as this one may result in fat deposition in the liver.

MCT Wellness’s polyphenol content can also interact with other medications, reducing their effectiveness; therefore, if you are taking one of them, you should consult with your healthcare professional.

Additionally, it contains high levels of caprylic acid, and some potential side effects from this include digestive issues like bloating, gas, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

It is also important to know that MCT Wellness and the brand’s products are third-tested to ensure quality and safety.

As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t have to approve supplements before they go to market, third-party testing in any product helps us to ensure that the ingredients in the products match what’s on the label.

This is something you should be aware of other than this supplement is not appropriate for people with tree nuts or coconut allergies, although this allergy is very rare.

Speak with your doctor before starting any new supplement, including MCT Wellness.

Is MCT Wellness A Hoax?

To know if MCT Wellness is a hoax or not, you must consider giving it a try. Now why do we say this? It’s because MCT Wellness is a dietary supplement and results can turn out differently for different individuals. 

Some of the users might be really impressed and happy with the way they feel after taking their dose of MCT Wellness. While for some it can be a waste of time and money.

MCT Wellness does not have any scientific evidence to prove its claims. Medium-chain triglycerides of caprylic acid which is used by MCT wellness might be useful for boosting energy, mental focus, and skin health. 

Medium-chain triglycerides are fatty acids that have potential health benefits in aiding weight loss. 

Since these MCTs are easily digested and converted into ketones, they can provide you with continuous energy and make you feel less hungry. 

This eventually leads you to eat less and thus can reduce your calorie intake. 

MCT Wellness is considered to be a hoax by users due to reasons like:

1. Lack of Scientific Evidence:

MCT Wellness does not have any clinical trials that support the claims made by them. Thus, this leads to mistrust among people, and think it is a hoax.

2. Exaggerated Claims: 

The claims are way more exaggerated than it does. Basically, MCT Wellness will help you give a boost of energy and provide cognitive benefits. But the company claims it makes your body a fat-burning furnace which is quite an exaggeration. 

3. Failing To See Desire Result

Weight loss isn’t easy, it takes effort and consistency for a prolonged time to see significant results. Since MCT Wellness is a dietary supplement, individual results may vary. And some people might even fail to see the result and call it a hoax.

Why do people think MCT Wellness A Hoax?

In order to understand why people started asking, whether Is MCT Wellness a hoax, you need to know that there are several reasons for it. 

MCT Wellness claims that your body will act like a fat-burning furnace which is too much to take for people. Weight loss is less about supplements but more about lifestyle and dietary changes.

Weight loss is only possible to achieve when you stay in a calorie deficit and exercise regularly, there’s no easy shortcut to it. 

Most weight loss supplements fail to provide scientific evidence for the benefits they claim. The same goes for MCT Wellness. The effectiveness of MCT Wellness is frequently questioned due to the lack of any scientific study performed by Gundry MD. 

Medium-chain triglycerides are known for their benefit in increasing energy levels and cognitive enhancement. So, it is very less likely to support weight loss goals in the long term. 

Thus, it may or may not produce the desired weight loss results if you are seeking to lose weight. Also, every individual body is different and thus the results may vary.

These reasons influence an individual to question if MCT Wellness is a hoax or genuine.

MCT Wellness Customer Reviews

As of writing this, MCT Wellness has over 632 reviews on the Gundry MD website, with a 4.2 overall rating, while on Amazon, this supplement has an overall rating of 4 out of 5 from 462 global ratings from 21 reviewers. 

Here are some reviews from real consumers from Amazon and the Gundry MD website.

Lorraine Bennett says – I see a difference

“I feel like when my husband takes this product consistently there is a difference in his memory. He has short-term memory issues. My friend who turned me on to this has seen the difference in her mother who has Alzheimer’s. It takes right at 30 days to start noticing a change so don’t give up!”

Lani Carlyle says – Another wonderful product by Dr. Gundry

is “Delicious drink powder. I like to drink mid-afternoon for a midday pickup. I also place it in yogurt. I would recommend this purchase. It is expensive compared to other similar products… comparing the ingredients this is superior. I highly recommend.”

Sara Caldwell says – Accomplished nothing

“Both my husband and I used this for a month as directed. No change for me, he GAINED weight. There has definitely been constipation for us both, and if no other results… not really worth it. The only positive was that the taste isn’t bad, but it takes forever to dissolve in water. Canceled it. Wasted money”

Toni Handel says – Stomach problem

“After 2 weeks of giving this product a chance I am done with it! I felt bloated with bad stomach cramping. It did not help with going #2 at all, if anything I feel like it made things worse. I do not recommend this product!”


MCT Wellness is a medium chain triglyceride supplement claiming to help boost energy and increase fat loss and mental focus. It is also known to make your skin more radiant and youthful. 

Is MCT Wellness a hoax? No, MCT Wellness is not a hoax. The supplement is manufactured by Gundry MD founded by Dr. Gundry who has a reputable brand manufacturing a wide range of successful supplements. 

MCT Wellness has several positive reviews, where people feel happy using the product. These are positive signs for a product that shows its legitimacy. 

The benefits of MCT Wellness include helping weight management, increasing energy level, and boosting cognitive function. It can also help with weight management since medium-chain triglycerides when digested by your body get converted to ketones. 

This ketone continuously provides energy to your body and you feel less hungry compared to a normal diet. 

While MCT Wellness is a dietary supplement the result can not be guaranteed and individual experiences might vary. 

The good part is Gundry MD has a 90-day money-back policy that can safeguard your money in case you do not see any results within 3 months. 


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