9 Reasons Why You Might Not Lose Weight On Ozempic

If you’re taking Ozempic and still not able to see any weight loss changes, you still could be wondering, “Why am I not losing weight on Ozempic?”

The answer can be a single reason to multiple reasons. Weight loss can be influenced by a wide array of factors such as regular exercise and staying in a calorie deficit. 

So, if it has been several weeks and you’re still not noticing any weight loss results, this article could be a perfect fit for all your queries on Ozempic.

Besides knowing every possible reason why you’re not losing weight on Ozempic, you will also learn the right time and the way you can maximize your results to see your weight loss goals. 

So, without any further wait, let’s dive in. 

What is Ozempic?

Ozempic is the brand name for the prescription drug semaglutide. It belongs to a group of drugs called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. 

Ozempic is administered as a weekly injection solution which comes inside a single used injection pen.

It is frequently used to treat type 2 diabetes and to reduce some heart-related risks in type 2 diabetics. It is also prescribed off-label for weight loss; however, it is not approved for this use, but it may be beneficial.

Ozempic’s active ingredient is semaglutide, and this active ingredient makes this drug work. Semaglutide was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017 for use in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Ozempic and weight loss: How does it work?

To understand the way Ozempic works for weight loss, it is necessary to understand the composition of the injection. 

Ozempic is a prescription medicine that is made from Semaglutide. So, in order to better understand Ozempic you must be aware of the nature and working of Semaglutide. 

Semaglutide is a medicine used for weight loss and works by increasing insulin release in your body which then reduces your blood sugar level and reduces risks of cardiovascular disease. 

When you eat your food, your digestive system produces a hormone called GLP-1. The main role of this hormone is to regulate insulin secretion and help in blood sugar level management. 

Ozempic (Semaglutide) injection produces the same hormone which works so well for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. 

A 2022 study on Semaglutide, the active ingredient of Ozempic showed that it showed a 9.6-17.4% of weight loss on week 68. However, the patients were kept on a reduced-calorie diet and also exposed to physical activity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9807016/

Ozempic can reduce appetite by sending a signal of fullness to your brain and you have eaten already. This mimicking of the hormone slows the rate of digestion and you stay fuller for longer. 

Another study that investigated the mechanism of Semaglutide action for body weight loss showed, the mechanism for reduced weight loss was low appetite and reduced cravings. Thus Ozemptic can promote better control of your eating.  

Thus Ozempic works by slowing down the rate of emptying your stomach and regulating your appetite and cravings to show weight loss results. 

What time should you take Ozempic to lose weight?

Ozempic is a once-weekly injection that is to be taken the same day each week. It doesn’t matter what time you inject Ozempic into your body unless you are consistently taking it on the same day.

So, should you take it with or without food? Ozempic can be taken both with food or without it. Thus, Ozempic should be taken once a week and on the same day each week without increasing its dose.  

Why am I not losing weight on Ozempic? 9 Real Reasons

Ozempic (semaglutide) injection is a weight loss medication that has worked for many and showed weight loss results clinically. 

But, if you are thinking, “Why am I not losing weight on Ozempic”, there can be a list of underlying reasons. 

Here are 9 reasons why you are not losing weight on Ozempic. 

You are not taking enough of it

Ozempic is a prescription medication, so you must know its correct dosage by consulting your healthcare provider. It is available in two doses 0.25mg and 0.5mg.

At the start, Ozempic 0.25mg injection is generally prescribed for the first 4 weeks. Then, once your body gets used to it, you can increase its dose.

To see optimal results in time, it is important that your dosage is correct and you are taking it on time, each week. If you have any suspicion about your dose, connect with your healthcare provider. 

You are looking for faster results

Weight loss is a slow process and it takes consistent effort in your diet, workout, and medication to achieve results. Ozempic is a medication that can cause weight loss gradually and over a period of time. 

Thus, if you are not losing weight on Ozempic, it could be because you haven’t given it enough time. 

Your calorie intake isn’t right

Ozempic might not show weight loss results due to higher calorie intake. With any weight loss drug, it is crucial that you stay on a calorie deficit diet to achieve weight loss. 

If you are consuming too many calories, no medication can make your calories burn and you may even gain further weight. 

Thus, you can use a calorie calculator to know your maintenance calories and then try staying in a calorie deficit. 

You are not doing physical activities

Not engaging yourself in physical activities can make you gain weight, that’s for sure. Physical activities can be anything lifting, workouts, yoga, or exercise. 

Ozempic is indeed a proven weight loss solution but it must be combined with regular physical activities.

You are not motivated enough

Weight loss requires real motivation. Even with Ozempic, if you are not feeling motivated to lose weight and have thoughts of giving up, you might have trouble losing weight. 

Your genetics can be a cause

Weight gain is not always caused due to behavioral changes like fatty diets and lack of exercise in your daily routine. Some conditions of obesity can be due to changes in genes.

Even though rare, you might not be losing weight on Ozempic due to some inheritance patterns.

You have medical issues or weak metabolism

Your weight largely depends on your body’s ability to metabolize food. Each one of us has a different metabolism.

If your body can’t metabolize food, it might be very difficult to see weight loss on Ozempic. Thus, when you are not losing weight on Ozempic, connect with your doctor to know if you have some underlying medical conditions or a weak metabolism. 

You are having a medical interaction. 

One of the reasons, why you aren’t losing weight on Ozempic could be due to possible medical interaction. There are medicines that can hinder the effects of Ozempic. 

Thus, if you’re not losing weight on Ozempic, consult with your healthcare provider to make you informed about the interaction of current medications with Ozempic.

You aren’t getting enough sleep

The reason why you are not losing weight on Ozempic can also be due to insufficient sleep. For a healthy individual, getting at least 8 hours of good sleep is critical to seeing weight loss changes. 

Try to include sufficient timing of good night’s sleep in your routine, this can show even better weight loss results with Ozempic. 

Conclusion: Though it should not be hard for your body to see weight loss results while you are taking Ozempic injections, some factors can slow down the process. The reasons why you might not be seeing weight loss benefits can be either one or a combination of the above-mentioned causes. 

Can Ozempic have side effects?

Clearly mentioned on their official site, there might be some serious side effects of taking ozempic. But, in general, Ozempic can cause only mild side effects like constipation, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The serious side effects of Ozempic are rare, but you still must know what are they. Some serious Ozempic side effects are:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
  • Changes in vision
  • Reduced blood sugar level (hypoglycemia
  • Gallbladder issues
  • Kidney problems

To learn these side effects in great detail, you can go through them on their official website. Ozempic should hardly cause these serious side effects, but if you experience any of these, medical attention is critical. 

Does Ozempic cause weight gain?

Many people regain their weight most likely after they stop taking an Ozempic. This is true because research has shown it and senior vice president people in global drug discovery Karin Conde-Knape, Novo Nordisk says it (1).

In addition to this, long-term usage of obesity medicines such as Ozempic or Wegovy shows promising outcomes in reducing or maintaining weight loss, but more research is needed to understand the effectiveness of these drugs beyond two or three years.

What’s true for one person on taking Ozempic may not be true or work for you. Still, the odds are in your favor. Obesity medicines alone will not stimulate weight loss; however, developing lifestyle changes could help you negate any weight gain that may occur while you take these drugs.

To learn more about how long you can use Ozempic for weight reduction and whether it causes weight gain or not, talk to your doctor.

How long does it take for Ozempic to start working?

Unfortunately, there’s no exact timeline for how long it take for Ozempic to start working, as everyone is different, thus results will vary from person to person, with some people having weight reduction benefits within a few weeks and others suffering delays in results lasting closer to eight weeks.

Part of this may be because people do not initially begin Ozempic at maximum doses of 2.4 mg. Instead, people start with 0.25 mg per week and then gradually increase it by 4% every four weeks, up to a maximum of 2.4 mg.

Another reason could be that the dose of Ozempic is gradually increased every four weeks to reduce the chance of adverse effects. once that dose that causes appetite suppression sufficient to cause a calorie deficit is achieved, weight loss happens quickly.”

Some of the other factors that influence how quickly weight loss happens when taking Ozempic include:

  • Medical history or your age.
  • Eating and exercise habits.

In most cases, weight loss on Ozempic could take at least eight weeks to over 16 weeks. Depending on the dose of Ozempic reached, from the lowest to the highest.

How to amplify weight loss on Ozempic?

No matter how much you increase your doses to improve your weight loss outcomes on Ozempic, there are a few things you need to keep in mind or follow some suggestions to maximize your results.

Lowering calorie intake

In general, restricting or reducing to number of processed foods in your diet can help or aim to lower your overall caloric consumption while increasing fiber-rich foods can help or aim to lower your calorie intake.


By following or maintaining a well-balanced and nutrient-dense diet. Consuming a combination of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help to control your weight.


Make sure you aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week, so doing physical activities like this will ensure you’re maximizing your results.

Also, regular physical activity can help you lose weight and keep it off.

Components like sleeping, recovery, and limiting your alcohol consumption. When these factors mentioned above are paired with lifestyle changes, over one-third of Ozempic users lose around 10% of their body weight.


Now, time for you to identify the real reason behind why you’re not losing weight on Ozempic. Once you’ve figured out the reason, it’s easy to work on it accordingly. 

If you are not able to work on the reason, let us know and we will help you guide by providing you a definite solution. 

Ozempic (semaglutide) injection can be a convenient way to help tackle diabetes. It has more chances to work for an individual because it is a classified drug and not a dietary supplement.

With Ozempic it is much easier to lose weight compared to any dietary supplement. But, it must be kept in mind that lifestyle changes are equally necessary.

Some of the immediate lifestyle changes you can make are going calorie deficit, including regular exercise on your to-do list, and getting at least 8 hours of sleep. 

Nevertheless, weight loss takes time and you must show patience while sticking with the right dose of Ozempic. That was all to it. Have any more questions? Feel free to use the comment box and we’ll be there for you right away.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9807016/
  2. https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.12932/
  3. https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.14725/
  4. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/29/people-taking-obesity-drugs-ozempic-and-wegovy-gain-weight-once-they-stop-medication.html/
  5. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/weight-regain-after-stopping-ozempic/
  6. https://www.ozempic.com/
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