Inno Cleanse Review: Can You Experience Real Weight Loss?

Inno Cleanse is a cleansing supplement that is designed for the purpose of improving gut health and improving weight management. 

What does cleanse actually mean? Cleansing is a natural process performed by your body’s organs like kidneys, liver, skin, and digestive system to eliminate toxins from your body.

So, does it mean your body can cleanse itself on its own? Yes, your body performs cleansing every now and then to keep you safe from toxins entering your body. 

So, why Inno Cleanse?

Inno Cleanse boosts your gut health and shows weight loss effects with the use of some natural ingredients that we will discuss in this review. We’ll look into the working, side effects and benefits of Inno Cleanse as we proceed.

Without wasting any time, let us dive in. 

Inno Cleanse Overview

Inno Cleanse is a cleansing supplement manufactured by Inno Supps, a popular name in the supplement industry manufacturing a wide range of products. 

While Inno Cleanse is a popular product being sold by Inno Supps as a Digestive Aid, they also sell many other supplements for Muscle Building, Fat Burning, Women’s Health, and Men’s Health. 

Inno Cleanse is marked with several benefits on the label including

  • Digestive system support
  • Reduces bloating
  • Improves energy levels
  • Waist Trimming complex

Thus, with a cleansing effect, Inno Cleanse also claims to help waist size reduction and thus make you look slimmer.

But do these claims have any scientific evidence? Or are these just made to draw attention? Let us find out by having a look into the Inno Cleanse Ingredients. 

Looking Into Ingredients 

The analysis of ingredients that are present in the Inno Cleanse will give you clarity on the benefits of the product and if it is suitable for your needs.

Inno Cleanse contains the following ingredients in it:

  1. Waist Trimming Complex (824 mg) – Cascara Sagrada bark powder, Aloe Ferox leaves extract, Senna leaf powder, Frangula bark powder. 
  2. Advanced Digestion Complex (300mg) – Fennel seed powder, Bentonite.
  3. Enhanced Detox (190 mg) – Burdock root powder, Licorice extract, Slippery Elm bark powder.
  4. Pro Gut Health Matrix (40mg) – Capsicum annum L. fruit powder, Milk Thistle seed powder.

Even though they say the name of the ingredients inside, no specific detail on their dosage has been mentioned. This complicates the ingredient analysis because you can’t expect results unless the ingredient used is in the right dose. 

So, this is a disappointment for Inno Cleanse to not let their users know about the ingredient dosage. For now, let us just look into the scientific backing of key ingredients. 

1. Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) 

Cascara Sagrada is known to relieve constipation and promote bowel movement.

There was a time when Cascara Sagrada was an FDA-approved drug for constipation but due to lack of evidence on its safety and effectiveness, it was put under the ‘dietary supplement’ category.

Hence, it can be useful if you have constipation and improper bowel movement.

2. Aloe Ferox (Cape Aloe)

Aloe Ferox can benefit your health in many ways.

The phytochemical composition of Aloes Ferox can show promising results in alleviating symptoms of diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Also, aloe vera is well known for detoxifying and flushing toxins out of your body. It also aids your gut and colon health.

2013 study on Aloe vera finds it was able to reduce pain, discomfort, and even flatulence in patients with constipation. However, it was unable to reduce their stool frequency and urgency.

Aloe Ferox can have a good cleansing effect but only when it is present at the right dose.

3. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Its presence makes Inno Cleanse high in fiber content. Now, what benefits do fibers provide to your body and digestive system?

Fiber can be very useful in the treatment of watery diarrhea and slow down your runny bowel movement. This happens due to the bulking property of fibers.

As per Inno Cleanse, Fennel can cleanse your urinary tract and digestive system by flushing out excessive fluids. 

Studies show that phytotherapic compounds can be used as a safe alternative to the treatment of constipation since they have laxative efficacy. 

Thus fennel can be of great benefit to your digestive system since it can prevent inflammation and improve digestion.

4. Bentonite

It is an ingredient found in many cleansing supplements. In case you heard of UMZU zuPOO, that too contains bentonite for its cleansing properties.

Besides this, Bentonite is a well-known ingredient for various skincare supplements like the Maelys B-flat, if you heard of it.

Bentonite has the property to stick to toxins which can help it regulate your digestive tract. 

It is so popular for diarrhea that in 1961, it was shown that oral administration of bentonite was able to treat 97% of cases of diarrhea with different causative factors.

Also, bentonite can have a significant positive effect on constipation-predominant IBS patients since it can cause bowel movements.

Overall, bentonite can cleanse your digestive tract and flush toxins out along with other waste. Also, it can affect Irritable Bowel Syndrome too.

6 . Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)

The seeds of the Milk Thistle plant come with several benefits like treatment of gallbladder and liver disorders, cancer treatment, increased breast milk production, and many more.

Now, what role does it play in Inno Cleanse? It promotes your liver health by protecting it from harmful chemicals.

The benefits of Milk Thistle are mainly attributed to its active compound silymarin. Silymarin is an antioxidant compound that is present mainly in the seed of milk thistle.

However, using milk thistle might cause allergic reactions rarely, and give you an upset stomach due to mild laxative effects.

That was a brief discussion about the ingredients of Inno Cleanse. But do these ingredients have side effects on your body?

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What Are The Side Effects Of Inno Cleanse?

Inno Cleanse is made using natural ingredients, so you might say it is safe for the majority. 

However, there might be cases where you can be allergic to some ingredients present in it. Thus you should watch the ingredients and make sure you are not allergic to any. 

Inno Cleanse might interfere with your medications if you are taking any. So, if you have any past health problems, make sure to check with your doctor on Inno Cleanse.

Some of the most common reports on Inno Cleanse side effects said they faced bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and upset stomach.

The majority of the customers looked satisfied and claimed to see real results in the Inno Cleanse reviews at various places. 

Any ingredient in a higher dosage can have negative consequences on your body even if it is natural. Below are some side effects of Inno Cleanse ingredients you should look at. 

  • Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) is possibly safe for most adults when taken for less than a week. However, it may cause side effects like cramps and upset stomach if consumed more than a week. It may also give rise to dehydration, heart problems, and weakness in muscles.
  • Aloe Ferox (Cape Aloe) also appears to be safe when consumed for the short term in small amounts. High doses of it may cause side effects such as stomach pain.
  • The use of Bentonite in Inno Cleanse can lead to issues such as constipation, stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and IBS in some individuals.
  • Another ingredient Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum) can trigger some allergic reactions. Also, people who have faced conditions like Endometriosis and diabetes should especially take doctor’s advice before taking this.

Thus, it is necessary that you do not take Inno Cleanse more than the recommended dose.

Here is a review from an Inno Cleanse user who faces some side effects using it. 

“ I have a pretty regular system but was intrigued by having a cleanse. These pills, and completely following instructions, caused constipation, gas, and painful cramps. Going to request a refund” – B. Harris.

Another user reported the following side effects while he took Inno Cleanse. 

“ I did not find this product works. I would rather drink a bottle of mag citrate and get it over with. I felt more bloated, nauseated, and overall not well taking this for two weeks. The only difference” – Christopher.

Inno Cleanse: Pros And Cons

Here are some pros and cons of Inno Cleanse to know before you actually try them.


  1. This supplement is vegan-friendly and free from Gluten, Soy, and Lactose.
  2. Thousands of customers are satisfied with it and have rated it 5-star at retail stores like Amazon, Trustpilot, and Ubuy.
  3. The ingredients are clinically proven and thus maintain quality and purity. Also, the product is GMP Certified.
  4. Comes with a 100% Satisfaction/Money back guarantee & a free 30-day gut fix guide. They even provide worldwide shipping.
  5. The ingredients present in it are all-natural and the formula is lab tested. 

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  1. The Ingredients label doesn’t disclose the dose of individual ingredients. Thus, it makes it difficult to determine the efficacy of different ingredients and if they are used in substantial doses.
  2. None of the ingredients had strong evidence to support your gut health. 
  3. The product has significantly negative reviews. And people not satisfied had mixed opinions regarding the supplement. Also, there have been reports of side effects.
  4. It’s primarily a laxative product and not for overall health.

Are Cleanse Products Any Good?

Currently, no scientific studies show that Cleanse supplements are effective. In fact, most claims made by the manufacturers are simply marketing gimmicks – or at best based on anecdotal evidence.

Although this supplement is claimed to cleanse toxins, we rarely find any of the ingredients evidence on how they detoxify.

Furthermore, no studies have shown that healthy people have a need for detox supplements like Inno Cleanse and many more or they build up toxins in their bodies, nor are their studies confirming that detox supplements can improve your natural detox systems.

In addition to this, some people with certain medical conditions have a decreased ability to detoxify toxic substances due to factors including their age, sex, diet, genetics, and medical regimen.

Here is a video review of Inno Cleanse by a popular YouTuber who tried this for 30 days to know if it gives weight loss results. 

Customers Review Inno Cleanse

We found some real users who rated and reviewed their experience with Inno Cleanse on Amazon. And we think it is a worthwhile read.

One user reported Inno cleanse mixes well with his workout and nutrition to keep him going well for the rest of the day. 

“ It works amazingly, just make sure to follow the instructions. 🙂 I eat healthy (for the most part -fruits, vegetables, grains, lots of water) and workout regularly. It does what it is intended to do. 🙂 Like the saying goes consistency leads to results: take vitamins, workout, eat healthy and well, plus Inno Cleanse and your body will take great care of you” – Brenda

Another user reported it to work while she had eaten some of everything at a birthday. She also felt quite energetic on Inno Cleanse. 

“ This product is the truth!! After celebrating my birthday by eating some of everything, I was bloated and very sluggish. I started taking these 3 days ago and BAM!! I feel so much better! Yes you will poop out everything, and it smells like a landfill, But my energy is improved, and bloating is down. Yaya!! I will continue taking these pills” – Shelly Parks

However, not all reviews were positive. A user felt it useless and saw no change or cleanse on Inno Cleanse.

“ 4th day on it. 3 pills/day no change no cleanse. Not sure why it’s different from the hundreds of other reviews. Sending the product back tomorrow” – J W

Note: The above reviews of Inno Cleanse were picked from Amazon to prevent it from chances of being biased like at their official site. 

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Should You Buy Inno Cleanse? Honest Conclusion 

In general, you do not need a cleansing supplement’ since cleansing is a natural body process that is performed by your body organs. 

However, if you like to try Inno Cleanse for health issues like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and upset stomach, it might be worth a try.

Inno Cleanse is a supplement that carries powerful laxatives inside it which can help you recover from constipation and clear bowel movement. However, it might not be completely safe and come with some side effects. 

Laxative in the long term may give rise to diarrhea, nausea, and indigestion.

Inno Cleanse may show some weight loss results which are temporary. The weight loss experience is due to loss of water weight and fecal matter and not due to fat loss. 

If you want to reduce your weight permanently, you must work on burning excessive body fat through workouts and diet. There is no shortcut to it. 


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