What Are The Side Effects Of Colon Broom? | Is It Safe?

If you’ve ever wanted to lower your cholesterol and prevent constipation, you may have turned to Fiber supplements or products to help you increase your intake of fiber. Many people are not eating or getting enough fiber from foods.

The trouble is that women aged between 19–30 consume 28 grams (g) of fiber per day and whereas men in the same age range consume 34 g. These figures fall slightly as you age, yet 90% of women and 97% of males do not fulfill those requirements.

However, most fiber supplements have been well-researched and tested for efficacy, and are generally safe if used as directed, and many can have benefits like increasing bowel movements or fostering regularity.

But is the Colon Broom Supplement legit or safe? Do they really provide what they promise? Read our article to find out the Colon Broom (high fiber dietary supplement ) side effects, how to deal with its effects, ingredients detail, and many more.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

What is Colon Broom?

Colon Broom is a fiber supplement that comprises 85% viscous fiber known as psyllium husk intended to help with your digestive health. It also promises to help you with symptoms you may not feel popping regularly such as bloating, constipation, gut heaviness, lack of energy, difficulty losing weight, and imbalanced gut bacteria.

Psyllium husk fiber is the primary ingredient in Colon Broom, and it includes 70% soluble fiber, which means it can help you feel fuller for longer and slow digestion. 

Psyllium, commonly known as ispaghula, is made & comes from the husk of the Plantago ovata plant. 

The dietary fiber-containing component dissolves in water and other body fluids to form a gel-like substance. Because of these features, bowel movements can form more easily, hold more water, and flow more easily through the intestines.

This all-natural or plant-based supplement has the ability or potential to cleanse and detoxify for your body to keep maintenance. In order to add flavor and taste, it also contains a strawberry flavor made from real strawberries, which may make it more appealing than other fiber-based supplements.

Colon Broom makers claim that the supplement is designed to help you feel light in your guts, enhance your colon health to boost mood and energy and help regulate bowel movement. Also, taking these can help your weight loss journey.

Also, fully read the ingredients details of Colon Broom before deciding if it is right for you or not.

Ingredients Description Of Colon Broom 

To understand Colon Broom’s side effects and its impact on your health, let us first take a look at the ingredients present within Colon Broom. 

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1. Psyllium Husk:

The star ingredient or you can say the active ingredient of Colon Broom is Psyllium husk. This ingredient is mainly known to lower blood cholesterol levels and offers improved glycemic controls.

But wait, Psyllium husk is not limited to this benefit, it is also known to support your bowel movement and help with relieving constipation and diarrhea.

Research on Psyllium husk shows that its consumption led to an increase in stool water and in constipated patients it also showed significant improvement in microbiota. 

Another study over 51 patients who were identified with type 2 diabetes and chronic constipation found some remarkable benefits of Psyllium.

In these patients, supplementation of psyllium husk helped decrease constipation symptoms, cholesterol, glycemic, and increased HDL levels. The above two studies show Psyllium husk is a well-established supplement for constipation and cholesterol problems. 

Now, you must ask yourself, you can take psyllium husk supplement directly, so why Colon Broom? Does it have anything else except psyllium husk to give?

To understand this, most of the additional ingredients in Colon Broom are flavors, coloring, and artificial sweeteners (stevia leaf extract). However, two small ingredients in Colon Broom are rice hulls and citric acid. Also, Colon Broom is incredibly rich in fibers. 

2. Rice hulls: 

These are the hard protective cover of the rice grains also known as rice husks which are fiber-rich and can lower calories. Since these are good sources of dietary fiber, rice hulls can support healthy digestion.

Being high in fiber when used in Colon Broom rice hulls can promote easy bowel movement by adding bulkiness to your stool to make its passage easy. 

Along with waste elimination properties, rice hulls can act as prebiotics and feed the healthy microorganism in your gut.

3. Citric Acid:

It is a weak organic acid found commonly in citrus fruits like orange and level and can have some digestive properties too. 

Citric acid can aid in digestion by stimulating enzyme production in your digestive system which can further assist with proper food breakdown. Also, it has antioxidant properties that can protect your body cells from damage. 

4. Dietary and Soluble Fiber:

Colon Broom is exclusively rich in soluble and dietary fibers. Studies on dietary fibers show positive results in increasing stool frequency in patients with constipation. 

The fibers help add bulk to your stool promoting its easy and efficient movement through the intestine and colon. Fibers convert the digested food into a gel-like substance by binding with the moisture of the colon. 

In this form, your food moves slowly through your bowel which also promotes the fullness feeling in the stomach. This action has greater use in the treatment of diarrhea and constipation. 

Summary: The star ingredient that is the Psyllium husk combined with the benefits of dietary fiber, can help promote digestion and relieve constipation and diarrhea. 

What Are The Side Effects Of Colon Broom?

Since we are finished diving into the ingredients, it’s time to dive into the potential Colon Broom side effects. We are calling it potential because these side effects are highly unlikely to occur in most individuals. 

Colon Broom is a high-fiber supplement, and ingesting too much fiber can have several side effects. Colon Broom side effects can be:

  • Bloating 
  • Gas
  • Stomach Cramp / Abdominal Pain
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

The side effects can mainly be seen if you are overusing fibers. But, the food part is, you need to be eating too much fiber for these Colon Broom side effects to occur.

Psyllium husk, Colon Broom’s active ingredient, has 3g of dietary fiber out of which 2g is soluble fiber. Thus the amount of fiber per serving of Colon Broom is only 3g. This is well within the safety limit. 

While, as suggested by the American Heart Association, your dietary fiber intake should be around 25-30g a day, it is without the use of supplements such as Colon Broom. 

Taking too much Psyllium husk is associated with side effects such as Vomiting, Bloating, Stomach cramps, constipation, and even rectal bleeding in some cases. 

Also, if you are diagnosed with any sort of kidney disease, it is a must to speak with your doctor before taking Colon Broom or supplement with Psyllium husk. 

But, Colon Broom is safe since it has only 3.6g of Psyllium husk in each serving while it is safe to consume 5g of Psyllium husk, 3 times in a day.  

Stevia leaf extract which is a zero-calorie artificial sweetener is generally considered safe. However possible side effects may include low blood pressure, nausea, and bloating. 

Thus, Colon Broom side effects are not common and it is safe for the majority of individuals to consume. But, if you are seeing any adverse side effects while using Colon Broom, immediately stop taking it and get in touch with your healthcare provider. 

Is Avoiding Colon Broom Side Effects Possible?

Most fiber supplements have similar side effects such as stomach cramping and gas. And it’s somewhat possible to minimize or reduce these side effects by following some precautions which we have discussed in detail in the below headings.

These side effects are more likely to occur when you first start taking these supplements and the effects go away within a few weeks. 

If you have any urgent stomach issues, such as GI obstruction, ulcers, appendicitis, or esophageal perforation, you shouldn’t use these supplements. And It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor about potential interactions and GI concerns.

How To Deal With Colon Broom Side Effects?

Experiencing side effects from Colon Broom doesn’t mean that you’re stuck with these side effects or symptoms for the future.

In some cases, the solution may be to wait for your body to get used to adjusting to extra fiber then you may increase your intake to twice daily with the supplement. Doing this can reduce the symptoms of Colon Broom.

Depending on your individual experience, your symptoms, and allergies may not ease with time alone. If side effects continue to persist from this supplement for several weeks, your doctor may recommend:

  • Adjusting your dose.
  • should be taken at least two hours before or after taking any drugs.
  • switching or choosing other alternatives of Colon Broom with little risk of side effects.

As a result, if you have any allergies, it is not suggested to use this supplement, and you should consult your doctor before incorporating it into your daily routine.

If you’re planning to take or use Colon Broom the brand website recommends the following dosages of Colon Broom:

  • Combine one tablespoon of powder (5.7g/0.2 oz) mixed with 8oz of water up to 2 times daily.
  • Mix the powder thoroughly into the water and drink a second full glass of water thereafter.

Also, it is suggested by the brand not to take this supplement at bedtime. And take additional measures including not using this product if the safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat/moisture.

The maximum daily dosage of Colon Broom is two servings and after taking these two servings you should observe changes in your bowel motions in  24 hours to 74 hours.

Colon Bloom Testimonials For Side Effects

While you look up to testimonials that are 2-star rated or below, you are mostly disappointed to buy a supplement. But, this shouldn’t always be true.

Colon Broom supplement might work great for many individuals and help them get rid of their digestive issues while for some it might not be a great choice. This is due to the fact that we are different as individuals and thus our body is different. 

Below, we only picked testimonials that discussed the negative side effects of Colon Broom that you should consider reading before you buy this. 

Kanon Huffman says:

Honestly tried it out and gave it my best shot. It really doesn’t do much except regulate a poop after a few days. But the first 3 days are all constipation despite how much water you drink.

Courtney says:

Only eight days in, switched to two scoops yesterday and honestly haven’t noticed any changes in my bowel movements. I’m bloated more, passing gas more and some days extremely uncomfortable because I cannot go to the bathroom or pass gas. I’m going to stick it out for the next month since it was 70 dollars for a bottle but will not be buying it again.

Jason Korneliussen says:

The bad: Powder doesn’t totally dissolve in water, leaving you with a scratchy throat and esophagus. It also seems to cause heart palpitations – the sudden feeling that your heart skipped a beat- which I haven’t experienced since I used to be addicted to gas station energy pills. Pooping has been normal, with no detectable changes in frequency, intensity, odor, or shape. For your money, I think you’re better off with Metamucil.

Summary: Does Colon Broom Have Side Effects?

Now, time for the final statement. Are there side effects to Colon Broom? In one word no, at least not for the vast majority of individuals. 

Colon Broom fiber amount is within the limit so that it wouldn’t give you unwanted side effects like bloating, gas, vomiting, or constipation. Also, Colon Broom has its own safety standards since it is non-GMO, gluten-free, additive-free, and vegan-friendly.

The amount of Psyllium husk used in one serving of Colon Broom is 3.6 g, which is safe to consume even 3 times a day. While it is always best to go by the recommended dose of 2 servings in a day. 

Thus, Colon Broom’s side effects to us do not seem a matter of big concern. Also, Colon Broom is rich in dietary fiber which can do you more good than bad. 

Dietary fibers are a great way to relieve constipation and diarrhea since they promote easy bowel movement and keep your digestive system healthy. 


  1. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/supplement/psyllium/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30669509/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30219432/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3544045/
  5. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/high-fiber-foods/art-20050948/
  6. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/18922-psyllium-powder-for-solution/
  7. https://greatist.com/health/stevia-side-effects/
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