Thermofight X Side Effects: Does It Help For Weight Loss?

Thermofight x is another weight loss supplement from IT Works, that uses the basic idea of thermogenesis to help you with your weight loss journey. If you remember right, this is the same company that also makes slimming gummies

Though the supplement uses only natural ingredients in its formula, the ingredients could still carry certain health concerns with it. Thermofight X uses a Multi-level marketing (MLM) strategy to distribute their product.

The article takes a closer look at Thermofight X’s side effects and digs into its ingredient to find the purpose of using it. It also lets you know about the possible benefits you may expect from Thermofight X.

Let’s dive right in.

What is Thermofight X?

Thermofight X is a weight loss supplement by It Works that combines several ingredients that have thermogenic and weight loss properties. The supplement claims to melt fat and improve your metabolism to take your body to fat-burning mode.

Additionally, Thermofight X can help enhance your energy level due to the use of green tea extract. It mentions making you lose 31 pounds of weight within 90 days of its use, which sounds very unrealistic.

It works, the company behind Thermofight X, also manufactures several products like It Works cleanse, It Works immunity, Hydrate+, Slimming Gummies. The MLM company was founded by Mr. Pentecost who was a schoolteacher. 

Thermofight X Side Effects You May Face

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Among all the ingredients mentioned above, many could carry some side effects along with them. The most common side effects from Thermofight X supplement and ingredients include:

  • Diarrhea and digestive discomfort in severe cases.
  • Nervousness and tremor.
  • Heartburn and Insomnia
  • Jitteriness and dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Rapid heart rate.
  • Headaches.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Itching.

However, the intensity of these side effects experienced from ingredients varies from individual to individual.

Generally, weight loss supplements do not have serious side effects. This is due to the virtue of these supplement companies that use natural ingredients in their supplement most of the time. Also, most of the ingredients are clinically tested for their side effects.

Thermofight X slightly disappoints at this point as many ingredients in it are not clinically tested. Also while purchasing the supplement, they don’t mention any warning about its side effects except caffeine. So the analysis of ingredients is a must in this case.

Apart from some nasty side effects mentioned above, Thermofight X also contains caffeine. Any supplement having caffeine can lead to side effects such as jitteriness, irregular heartbeat, nervousness, and other unpleasant conditions.

Important Note: Generally consuming 400mg of caffeine every day is considered safe. But exceeding the limit of more than 400 mg of caffeine per day can lead to annoying side effects, including anxiety, agitation, restlessness, and sleeping problems.

The manufacturers also don’t provide any accurate information about the amount of many ingredients like Vitamin B12, caffeine, etc. They simply say it is a part of their proprietary blend.

Some users have experienced liver problems because the supplement uses green tea extracts. Also, Vitamin B12 is a major reason behind these side effects from Thermofight X.

Few customers who have taken Thermofight X pills reported its annoying side effects in Amazon’s review section. Here are some critical ones from them.

“This product did absolutely nothing for me. Unless diarrhea counts as something. Don’t waste time or money. It DOESN’T work!” – Jared Ramirez.

“I didn’t feel any different, positively or negatively. No jitters, headache, or insomnia. No energy or anything. No weight loss either. Not even a pound after finishing the whole bottle. Complete waste of money”– Melita Moir.

“These made me SO SICK!!! I was nauseous and had weeks of diarrhea. Had to stop taking them. Worst experience ever and a complete waste of money” – Kelsey Clemons.

Raspberry ketones can also support metabolism. Still, there is very little evidence to support raspberry ketones to improve weight loss in humans.

Verdict on Ingredients: Thermofight X uses ingredients that may increase thermogenesis to improve metabolism and weight loss. But most of these ingredients lack strong evidence for their effectiveness. Also, green tea extract could help increase energy levels.

Ingredients In Thermofight X

As always, digging into the Ingredients is the best thing you can do to find out Thermofight X side effects beforehand. 

Thermofight X claims to use all-natural ingredients in its product. This prevents Thermofight X from having too many health risks compared to other chemical-based supplements. 

Active Ingredients In Thermofight X: Calcium, Chromium, Vitamin B12, Green tea Extract, Capsicum, Raspberry Ketones, Green Coffee Bean Extract.

1. Calcium:

You already would be aware that calcium is the mineral mainly responsible for stronger teeth and bones. But you might be surprised to know during a study on women, calcium was shown to preserve thermogenesis and lipolysis.

Thermogenesis is the process by which your body produces heat. The more the thermogenesis, the higher is the energy lost by your body in the form of heat. And thus your body burns more calories. 

Thus, Calcium presence in Thermofight X may increase thermogenesis, but still more research is needed to show its effectiveness for weight loss.

2. Chromium:

The mineral, Chromium, has an important role in carbohydrates and fats breakdown in your body. During a meta-analysis, chromium was found to show significant improvement in body fat percentage and weight loss

Though, only feeding on chromium supplements without making any lifestyle change won’t help have any major significance on your health. 

Chromium may even help reduce your food intake, craving, and hunger. So, chromium presence in Thermofight X can have some benefits for weight loss. 

3. Vitamin B12:

Well known for helping your blood and nerve cells’ health, Vitamin B12 is also known for converting fats and proteins into energy. Also, its administration has been linked to boost energy and promote weight loss. 

Fish, eggs, shellfish, and other protein-rich foods contain B12 as an important nutrient. Also, evidence shows low levels of vitamin B12 are associated with conditions of obesity and overweight. 

Vitamin B12 decreases the likeliness of getting obese among individuals. Still, more evidence is needed to justify its presence in Thermofight X for weight loss.

4. Green Tea Extract:

As you all know green tea could be a great energy source due to the presence of caffeine in it. Also, green tea extract can increase fat oxidation in your body while you rest or work out. 

Green tea extract also acts as a promoter for thermogenesis in your body, resulting in improved weight loss and metabolism. During a study, the therapeutic effect of high-dose of green tea was observed for weight loss. 

The women experienced a weight loss of around 2.5 pounds after the study which was carried for 12 weeks. Also, they found their BMI and waist circumference to reduce significantly. The women received around 1350mg of green tea extract for a period of 12 weeks. 

5. Capsicum:

Another ingredient in Thermofight x is capsicum. The green vegetable is known for its antioxidant and metabolism improvement properties. This ingredient too has the ability to increase thermogenesis.

As capsicum has thermogenic action, it may support weight loss. Still, more evidence is needed to prove its usefulness for weight loss action.

During a study by BMC Obesity on 75 volunteers, capsaicinoids supplementation showed a change of around 5.91 percent in body fat. The volunteers were given supplementation for a period of 12 weeks. 

Few researchers also suggest capsicum may help lower fat storage, curb appetite and improve metabolism. 

6. Raspberry Ketones:

Raspberries are the major source of these ketones. Raspberry ketones were found to increase lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation during a study on mice.

Warning and Dosage of Thermofight X

The recommended dosage of It Works Thermofight X is to take 2 caplets each day. You can take one in the morning and another at night with your meal or dinner. When you are on Thermofight x, make sure to keep yourself hydrated and drink a lot of water. 

If you take this supplement following the suggested dose as per their official website, then you may tolerate few Thermofight X side effects. Besides this, the supplement is suitable for both men and women if taken in the suggested amount.

Additionally, if you take more water, it helps improve the nutrient absorption efficiency of your body. 

Warnings: Unfortunately, the product label of Thermofight X supplements does not contain dose information about the ingredients. So it is impossible to determine how much of each ingredient you are ingesting.

Pregnant women, children, people below 18 yrs of age, and people with chronic or other diseases should keep away from Thermofight X. If you can afford it, it is always best to speak with your doctor before getting any supplements like this one.

Also, if you’re on medication or have pre-existing health conditions do not use this product before consulting your doctor. This may lead to some serious medicine interactions.

Note: If you begin to experience any above-mentioned side effects, immediately stop taking the supplement. And connect with your health care provider without fail before using any other supplements.

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Does Thermofight X Work for Weight Loss?

What most customers want to know is, does Thermofight X work for weight loss or not? The answer to this question is no, at least for the long-term results, you cannot rely on any supplement company that specifically claims that their products can alone help you lose weight.

Here are some essential things you should notice to make a judgment about the effectiveness of It Works Thermofight X for weight loss.

  1. There are no scientific studies referenced on their official website that have been published in a popular or respected journal to support their product effectiveness.
  2. Thermofight X supplement also has received negative complaints about its bad customer support. And most customers found negligible to no results which resulted in an overall terrible rating on amazon and a Better Business Bureau.
  3. There are no overwhelming clinical trials or studies conducted by It Works Thermoflight X product that promotes weight loss.
  4. Even with Thermofight X or any weight loss supplement, it’s harder for you to lose weight. If “fat-burning” were that simple, we would all be looking slim and trim. 
  5. Lastly, No supplement is going to be a magic bullet for weight loss. If any supplement company makes such claims, they must show some proof based on scientific evidence.

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Thermofight X Benefits

Here are some expected benefits from Thermofight X based on claims made by It Works company: 

  • Contains ingredients named chromium’s that help in regulating blood sugar levels.
  • It May help to boost your energy levels and improve cognitive performance.
  • Thermofight X supplement is keto-friendly, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, vegan, and NON-Gmo.
  • This formula may help to suppress your appetite.
  • Help to reduce fatigue and lower sugar cravings.

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What’re Customers Take on Thermofight X?

Let’s see what people who have already consumed Thermofight X have to share about their experience. You will observe most people didn’t seem to like the product while some found the product to help them.

Below are some customer reviews about Thermofight X ranging from good to critical.

“I’ve been taking the product for 50 days now and I’ve dropped 12 pounds. 155 down to 143! It reduces my cravings for sugar and has curbed my appetite. I purchased it from an independent distributor for It Works and it’s cheaper with their loyal customer program” – Angie.

“I notice a difference in my appetite when I take this and it also helps with weight loss. Nothing drastic but it helps me lose a few pounds here and there”– Sarah Aydelott.

“I have just started using this. I have noticed that my appetite has changed. Not eating as much. I’ve lost a couple of pounds so far. I’m one that if I don’t see results right away I stop or if the product makes me sick I stop. But so far so good. Even if I don’t lose the full 30 anything is better than nothing” – Thomas Boyd.

“I ordered this product and after using it for several days saw absolutely no change in my body. It is a scam and a total waste of money. Do not purchase”– Amanda.

“I couldn’t take this for more than 2 days because it made me feel terrible. I had the worst headache and I was so nauseous. I took this as directed… with a meal and I drank more than 8 cups of water a day. Definitely do not recommend it”– Thaddeus Woloszyk.

Note: These reviews are taken from Amazon where you can purchase Thermofight X. We never prefer looking at official store reviews because in most cases they are manipulative.

Thermofight X Side Effects – Takeaways

It Works Thermofight x may cause a few side effects that are unpleasant to bear. Some of these side effects include infrequent headaches, dizziness, restlessness, and sleeping issues. 

Also, you must note, Thermofight X is a caffeine-based supplement and in case you are sensitive to caffeine, better avoid this supplement. We think, for fat loss, there are better alternatives available out there, which use more researched ingredients than this one. 

That was all for Thermofight X side effects. What’s your take on the topic? Let us know using our discussion section.

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