Nugenix Total-T Side Effects: Is This Testosterone Booster Safe?

Nugenix Total-T is a testosterone booster supplement that claims to use natural ingredients to help men with strength and bedtime performance. The supplement is quite popular at several retail stores across the web.

Nugenix’s flagship formula received around 7 awards from GNC. But if a supplement uses natural products and has won several awards, it doesn’t make it completely safe for use.

Knowing about the side effects of Nugenix or any other supplement is a must before you go for it. It helps you avoid the future complications involved with its use. 

The article covers every possible Nugenix side effect you should keep in mind before giving it a try. Additionally, it takes into account the dosage and warnings of Nugenix, which you must be aware of.

Excited! Let’s dive in.

Nugenix Total-T Testosterone Booster Overview

What is Nugenix Total-T? Nugenix Total-T is a free testosterone booster supplement that helps to boost your free testosterone, improve libido performance, boost vitality, and make you feel stronger. Also, it believes in Nugenix Total-T to make you regain your youthfulness and enhance your energy level.

Now, what does free testosterone mean? These are your body testosterones that do not have any association with protein. And they are easily available to be utilized by your body for various vital functions. Nugenix Total-T claims to boost these free testosterone in the first place. 

Adaptive Health, the parent company of Nugenix, is an A+ certified and BBB Accredited business. This lets you know that Nugenix is a legit company and not an MLM scam.

Nugenix Total-T Side Effects

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In general Nugenix Total-T has very little to no adverse side effects/health risks associated with it. This is mainly because most of the ingredients found in Nugenix Total-T are natural and generally safe.

However, this doesn’t mean that Nugenix is completely free from side effects, or in the future, you won’t experience it. Also, there is no clinical evidence to support that this testosterone booster supplement is effective. Neither they tested it on any group of individuals.

Most people face side effects of Nugenix in case their body is allergic to the particular ingredient in Nugenix Total-T. The side effects were mostly related to the pain and discomfort in the abdomen. 

Some less common still serious side effects include: 

  • Sleep apnea and insomnia.
  • Mental-related issues.
  • Nausea and headaches.
  • Drowsiness and acne-related problems.
  • Prostate enlargement.

Testosterone increase in the body can lead to the health risk of prostate cancer and increase the chances of blood clotting due to a sudden increase in red blood cell counts. Recent research is done on “Testosterone booster supplements” found that these supplements have the potential to cause irregularities in the liver and kidney.

Among users who used Nugenix Total-T and shared their experience, some did share their negative issues about the supplement. Here’s what they said about its annoying side effects:

“This product didn’t perform as advertised-at least for me. On top of that, every time I took the pill I ended up with a stomach upset/burning sensation” – Jaime. A . Delgado.

“Snake oil. Spent a ton of money and did a solid 90-day routine with all 3 NG products: Total-T, Andro-boost, and PM T Boost. All I got was an upset stomach, raunchy smelling burps, and a significantly lighter wallet. WAY OVERPRICED!!!” – Paul Powell. 

“Had a kidney failure 30 days after I started taking this product SCARY” – Garry Renneberg.

Also, if you are on medications then the active ingredient of Nugenix Total-T could possibly interact with you negatively. It’s also important for you to look at the ingredient’s constituents and evaluate their safety before trying any testosterone supplement whether it’s Nugenix or Prostagenix.

Note: Before taking any testosterone boosting supplement it’s always your first responsibility to consult with your doctor regarding the same. By doing this you can save yourself from the side effects and allergic reactions beforehand.

Ingredients Inside Nugenix Total-T 

Evaluation of the ingredient label of any health supplement should be your first priority before you decide to use it. Let’s dig into the ingredients of Nugenix Total-T and understand its benefits and health risks. 

Also while evaluating it, look at whether your body is allergic to any ingredient. And if you find there’s something in Nugenix that harms your health, don’t go for it unless you speak with your doctor or dietitian.

Ingredients in Nugenix Total-T include Vitamin B6 and B12, Boron, Zinc, Fenugreek Seed Extract, Eurycoma Longifolia Extract, and Ancient Peat and Apple Fruit Extract.

1. Vitamins: Vitamin B6 and B12

The role of Vitamins for maintaining vital functions of your body can’t be undermined. They help heal wounds, shore up bones, improve the immune system and help convert food to energy.

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the good health of your blood and nerve cells. At the same time, Vitamin B12 higher concentration may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Vitamin B6 is good for heart health and depression. Also, a little higher concentration of Vitamin B6 can help save men in earlier stages of prostate cancer.

2. Minerals: Boron and Zinc: 

Minerals like Zinc have been found to retard the process of prostate cancer. Also, the study suggests that higher Zinc levels are essential for good prostate health. This is also the reason why most prostate supplements use zinc in their formula.

The mineral boron is used in trace amounts by your body for improving cognitive functioning and muscle strength and coordination. While excessive boron can lead to mild abdominal pain and nausea-like conditions. Boron can also help your body use testosterone more efficiently.  Very little evidence has been found for Boron to help boost testosterone levels.

3. Fenugreek Seed Extract

The herbal property of fenugreek has long been used as an effective alternative to Chinese medicine. As per an article by Washington Post, men taking fenugreek were seen to boost their sexual drive by at least a quarter. 

The men who took part in the study were given fenugreek extract twice a day for six weeks. At the end of the study they were asked to answer a few questions related to their libido and desire and thus the conclusion was taken out. 

4. Eurycoma Longifolia Extract:

The presence of Eurycoma Longifolia Extract in Nugenix has been found to improve conditions of Erectile Dysfunction in males. It also helps increase male sexual drive and treat conditions that prevent him from making a woman pregnant. 

Side effects which Eurycoma Longifolia may carry with itself include insomnia and restlessness. But the chances you will experience it is very low.

5. Ancient Peat and Apple Fruit Extract:

elevATP® Blend or Ancient Peat Extract present in Nugenix Total-T is a hub of trace minerals like magnesium, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. Trace minerals have a significant role in cellular energy and NAD+ production in your body. 

This can help Nugenix boost the energy level of your body significantly. By far the Ancient Peat and Apple fruit have reported no side effects. 

Verdict on Nugenix Total-T ingredients: While evaluating Nugenix’s Total-T, we found that the ingredients were natural though most of them have very little scientific backing for their evidence. Surely some had few side effects to show, but most of them were safe for a healthy individual not on medication.

What is Nugenix Total-T Used For?

Nugenix Total-T claims to serve various purposes for males. Among several other uses, you already know it can help boost your free testosterone and enhance libido. Let’s look at the list of some more Nugenix Total-T benefits and usage.

Uses and benefits of Nugenix Total-T:

  1. Boosts both total and free testosterone levels.
  2. Can help you gain lean muscle and enhance endurance at your gym.
  3. May help you feel more energetic throughout your day.
  4. Help improve sexual drive, libido, and stamina at your bedtime.
  5. You can claim a free sample of Nugenix without even buying it.

Nugenix Total-T Dosage and Warnings


Nugenix Total-T Testosterone supplement contains 90 capsules in a pack. The recommended dosage for you by the Nugenix brand is 3 capsules per day with or without any food.

Also, you should take this supplement on a daily basis with water on an empty stomach, and in a single serving, you can take this capsule once at a time.


The warnings you should consider if you take this supplement is if you’re on serious medications simply avoid this supplement as it can interact with medicines. 

Do not exceed the recommended dose of three capsules a day. And also try your best to take it strictly on an empty stomach. Also, women should strictly stay away from taking this supplement.

How Much Does Nugenix Total-T Cost?

On amazon, 90 counts of Nugenix Total-T will cost you $60.88, whereas 30 Servings or 180 capsules will cost you $105.98. At the same time at Walmart $63.99 for 90 capsules. At both retail stores, you will receive the benefit of free shipping.

Nugenix Total-T Side Effects Takeaway

Nugenix Total-T on evaluation was found to have very few side effects. The side effects included insomnia, abdominal issues, indigestion, and in some cases prostate enlargement. But if you are a healthy individual not relying on any medication, then the chances of facing these side effects are very negligible. 

Apart from side effects, Nugenix Total-T may have significant health benefits for most individuals like improvement in libido, free testosterone, and energy levels. If you feel like giving Nugenix testosterone a try, ensure you are not allergic to any ingredients and not on any medication.

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