CB-1 Weight Gainer Reviews: Does This Make You Gain weight?

Let’s make this clear, putting on some lbs of weight isn’t an easy job. However, some companies do exist that claim to help you gain weight with just a few pills per day.

One such company is CB-1 Weight Gainer. Now, what does the supplement do to miraculously make you gain weight?

We will find out later. We always suggest anytime you think of trusting a supplement, researching for the same is very crucial.

In the CB-1 weight gainer review, we researched almost every detail you need to know about this weight gainer. We looked for the ingredients and how they really work for weight gain.

Having said that, let’s review CB-1 Weight Gainer.

What Is CB-1 Weight Gainer?

CB-1 Weight Gainer is a weight gain dietary supplement designed for people who are finding it difficult to put on some weights. It mainly deals with two major causes of failure in weight gain i.e. fast metabolism and weak appetite. 

The supplement can be used by men, women, as well as seniors, or aged people. There could be many reasons preventing you from gaining weight.

Some reasons include recovery after illness, being skinny, appetite loss with age, and sports such as powerlifting, boxing, rugby, and even football. 

The claims made by CB-1 Weight Gainer include:

  • Tested Clinically
  • Patent Weight Gain Formula
  • Long term weight gain

CB-1 Weight Gainer isn’t a new supplement. It has existed for quite a long long time. 

To see if it can really produce results and meet your expectation, checking out the efficacy of the ingredients is necessary. So, let’s move to other sections and learn more about this weight gainer.

CB-1 Weight Gainer Manufacturer

The CB-1 Weight Gainer is manufactured by a company named Supragenix. It is situated in Orem,  Utah.

Not much is known about the company except it was started in the year 2010, and CB-1 Weight Gainer is their flagship product. On its official website, you only see little details about the supplement and long testimonials in the form of success stories. 

Benefits Of CB-1 Weight Gainer

Some benefits that are allegedly proposed by the manufacturer for CB-1 Weight Gainer include:

  1. Healthy Weight Management
  2. Regulates Healthy Metabolism 
  3. Increases Hunger And Appetite

How Does CB-1 Work?

Even after so many flashy claims and success stories, we still can’t say if CB-1 weight gainer works and could really show results. 

This is because most ingredients didn’t have many benefits and strong evidence to show their effectiveness in terms of weight gain. 

However, zinc did have some weight gain effects but this was only seen in children recovering from PEM and not for healthy individuals. 

Some natural herbs like Purpurea and Angustifolia too didn’t have any supporting evidence for weight management. These things make us very skeptical about the supplement’s effectiveness. 

CB-1 Weight Gainer Ingredients

Now let’s look into the core of CB-1 Weight Gainer i.e. its ingredients. The company claims the weight gain supplement they make is completely natural.

To ensure the ingredients are most potent they go through a third-party testing laboratory.

CB-1 Weight Gainer contains many ingredients. Even though it has more than 10 ingredients, there are only a few key ingredients responsible for most of the benefits. 

The key ingredients in CB-1 Weight Gainer include:

1. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 has several roles in your body. It improves your heart functioning, benefits your muscles and bones, boosts immunity, and even reduces inflammation. 

But does it have a role in helping weight gain? Well, there have been various researches on Vitamin D3 but for weight gain, there’s no clear evidence or proof.

Current body research on Vitamin D suggests it has very little effect on weight gain and weight loss. 

Thus, we don’t see any clear role of Vitamin D3 in the CB-1 Weight Gainer. We suggest you have more research on these ingredients. 

2. Soy Lecithin

It is a food additive derived from Soy and generally comes in use as a lubricant and emulsifier. However, this could also have some potential health benefits.

Soy Lecithin can decrease your bad cholesterol (LDL) level without affecting the level of HDL cholesterol. A 2009 study on Soy lecithin found that it was able to reduce total cholesterol by 42 percent while only LDL by 56 percent.

Besides helping to reduce your cholesterol significantly, soy lecithin is allegedly said to benefit your heart, brain, and liver.

No correlation is found between weight gain and soy lecithin. Thus, its benefit in CB-1 Weight Gainer is pretty inconclusive.

3. Zinc

It is a mineral that has several different roles for your body. Zinc is known to boost metabolism and improve your immunity.

Zinc can mainly help promote weight gain in individuals who have Zinc deficiency or in other words, who are Zinc deficient.

This mineral too has an important role in your immune system. Zinc can help depression, leprosy, inflammation, sexual dysfunction, and a list of other benefits.

During a 3 week study on children who were recovering from PEM, Zinc supplementation helped them to put more than 10 kg of weight. The result was observed in almost 76 percent of the subjects. (PEM: Protein-Energy Malnutrition)

On the other hand, Zinc supplement is also found to help weight management in individuals with obesity.

The conclusion is, Zinc may assist weight gain in CB-1. Also, it does offer a weight management benefit for obese individuals.

4. Echinacea Purpurea Powder

It is a medicinal plant that is loaded with anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory properties. Purpurea is allegedly promoted to carry antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antioxidative effects.

Finding show, Purpurea powder can enhance lipid profile i.e. decreasing cholesterol and increasing LDL levels. It is mainly used for conditions such as cold and flu.

However, no clinical trial has been done on Echinacea Purpurea to demonstrate its effectiveness for weight gain. Thus, we don’t know if its presence really helps in CB-1 Weight Gainer. 

5. Angustifolia Powder

This is another medicinal plant from the sunflower family that is mainly used for cold, flu, and other viral illness. The Angustifolia plant is known to shorten your illness duration for early recovery.

Angustifolia is known to be beneficial for athletic performance, inflammation, osteoarthritis, anxiety, influenza, and other respiratory tract infections. 

Again this herb doesn’t have any research for weight management or weight gain. Also, weight gain is not even its common property. 

This makes us skeptical about its effectiveness when used in the CB-1 Weight Gain formula. 

Verdict on Ingredients

While going through the ingredients no clear evidence was found for them to make you gain some weight. The ingredients in CB-1 just seem to have regular protective effects on your body.

Thus we think, the ingredient profile isn’t appealing at all to impress users by making them avail the science behind them.

CB-1 Weight Gainer Side Effects

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Most of the ingredients listed above in the supplement are natural. And the company claims that CB-1 Weight gainer “CB-1 has a gentle, all-natural formula that’s safe for people of all ages” which is good.

But this point or claims made by the company are not enough to ensure the safety of the supplement. So, we have to see what side effects people are experiencing after consuming the supplement or which ingredients listed above may produce side effects?

On their website, there are no negative reviews are available and no users have reported any side effects which is a red flag for the company & their supplement is ineffective.

Coming to the side effects part below are the following potential side effects you may experience based on the ingredients inside this formula.

Vitamin D3 at normal doses doesn’t have any effects but too much of it can cause effects like high calcium levels which can lead to unusual tiredness, increased urination, vomiting, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, and mental mood changes.

Soy lectin is safe for most people but if you’re extremely allergic to soy then avoid this supplement and may cause common gastrointestinal effects including abdominal pain & bloating, nausea, diarrhea, increased salivation, and decreased appetite. 

Although zinc supplementation isn’t recommended without the advice of a practitioner, zinc may cause side effects in some people such as kidney, stomach damage, nausea, diarrhea. 

Dosage And Warning

Each bottle of CB-1 weight gainer contains 90 pills, and the suggested dose is to take one capsule 30 to 60 minutes before each meal.

Both men and women can take these pills as per the recommended dosage. 

You have to follow the instructions or guidelines mentioned by the manufacturers for better weight gain results.

Also, you can take the pills with any other products like creatine, weight gain powders, and many more.

The manufacturer claims on their Faqs page that you will not face any inconvenience or interfere with it.


If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this supplement then it has always been a better idea to consult with your doctor or in case of any persistent side effects or discontinue the use of the product.

People who are in certain medical conditions or have taken medicine should also avoid this supplement or talk with their healthcare practitioner.

Additionally, weight gainer supplements come with adverse side effects like liver damage, digestion issues, kidney damage risks of diabetes, and unhealthy weight gain if you consume the powder in excess amount. 

CB-1 Weight Gainer: Pros And Cons


  • The supplement goes with the extraction and testing by an independent third-party laboratory to ensure you get high-quality and pure ingredients.
  • Most of the ingredients are clinically tested and were put to the test for 8-week to show whether it works or not.
  • It comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and it is equally suitable for both men and women. 
  • The product is made in the USA and is free from drugs or other harmful ingredients.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals which can help in general health.
  • CB-1 weight gainer has all herbs and natural ingredients. 


  • The product is not based on scientific research and data to support the weight gain results so, this supplement is unlikely to not work for everyone.
  • Ingredients present inside the supplement can cause or show side effects.
  • The official website reviews section is only filled with positive opinions so it feels that they are trying to hide something.
  • The product is not available on any popular retailers so it becomes hard to find real consumer reviews of the supplement.
  • You have to follow the supplement unless you get to your desired results.

Where To Buy CB-1 Weight Gainer?

For you to buy this weight gainer supplement or most of the supplements it has always been a better idea to purchase it from their official stores 

Also, this supplement isn’t available in popular online retailers as of now. 

So, to avoid any scams or fake products buy the supplement from official stores or websites.


On their official website, the supplement will cost you $69.98 and each bottle contains 90 capsules which will last up to one month.

If you buy the CB-1 maximum strength/weight gainer from the official website you will get additional offers and discounts related to it.

So, what are those offers & discounts? If you prefer to join the CB-1 success program then you will be able to save $20 today and on any future orders.

But joining their program locks you in at $49.98 per month. Here you will receive a bottle each month until you cancel it so do make your own choices before joining it.

In addition to this, if you don’t want to join their program you can also save $40 and $60 by purchasing 2 bottles & 3 bottles together for $49.68.

CB-1 Weight Gainer Review By Consumers

It is always wise to spend money after reading and looking at the overall reviews & ratings of the product on their official website or on other third parties popular websites. 

So by doing this, you can find the issues people are facing after consuming the supplement like manufacturing errors, money-back guarantee issues. 

And on the other hand, read some satisfied/ success testimonials with weight gain results.

If you look at the reviews on their official website you will find numerous success stories with all weight loss details. How much time does the product take to see weight gain? There are all positive reviews around their official stores.

Important Note: As mentioned earlier, the supplement isn’t available on Amazon, GNC, and Walmart so we can’t find any reviews other than their website. Also, make sure that these reviews are most time manipulative and not real.

Below we have found the following consumer reviews about the CB-1 weight gainer via their website:

 Rochester E says Gained 20 pounds, age 29

“I used to eat like a bird. There would be a lot left on my plate that I wouldn’t finish. I couldn’t even finish an omelet. CB-1 helped increase my appetite. I started noticing I was able to finish my food. In two months I gained 20 pounds. I got my butt back and went from a size 3 to a size 7”

Buffie says- Gained 9 pounds

I was very skeptical about this product working. But I gave it a try and after the first week, I noticed my appetite picked up tremendously. So I will have to say it definitely worked for me”

Frank H says- Gained 27 pounds, age 20

“I am a college student who was looking to add muscle to my body. I looked into powerlifting and wanted to compete in the 242 lbs weight class. I started at 205 lbs. I was not very strong at the time and not satisfied with my look. After taking CB-1, I gained 32 lbs in 2 months. CB-1 Weight Gainer is the best weight gainer ever! I will definitely look into purchasing this product again in the near future”

CB-1 Weight Gainer: Final Verdict

As far as our research is concerned, we didn’t find CB-1 Weight Gainer to contain any ingredient that had evidence for strong weight gain effect in healthy individuals. 

Also for some, the CB-1 Weight Gainer supplement is quite expensive to bear. The official website of CB-1 is also poorly designed where they don’t disclose many necessary details of the product (like how the formula works, their quality standard, and all).

We think with proper dietary habits and exercise, the weight gain will be much healthy in comparison to taking these pills. You may include some high protein foods and whole-grain bread in your diet to see results.

Still, in case you want to go for a weight gain supplement, consider a supplement that is more legit and trustworthy. And also perform high-quality research about the same.

That was all for the CB-1 weight gainer review. Now we would love to listen to your take on it. Let us know what do you think of the weight gain supplement in the comment box down below.

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Daniel Fecht
Daniel Fecht
1 year ago

Good information, but some editorial assistance is suggested.

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