Perfect Body Me Review: Can The Meal Planner Help Achieve Desired Goal?

We all have that one desired weight in mind that we want to achieve at one point in life. Some set it as their new year resolution while a few others set it as their coming month’s goal. 

Still, the reality is for most of us getting to that desired weight stays a dream forever due to lack of guidance, food habits, and obviously the busy lifestyle.  

Perfect Body Me could be a solution to the above hurdles that come to get to your desired weight. It comes up with a personalized meal plan and sets of workouts you should do on a regular basis to get there. 

If you are someone looking to lose weight purely by yourself and not with the help of a personal trainer or coach, the perfect body is worth a look. 

So, without any further delay, let’s get into the Perfect Body Me review. 

Perfect Body Me Overview

As its name says Perfect Body Me is an online meal planner designed with the idea of getting you a perfect body to make you feel better and more confident about yourself. It is a meal and workout planner app that can help you achieve your desired weight. 

Perfect Body Me is basically a meal planner app available for both Android and iOS that helps guide you to get your dream body weight.

The meal planning is complete with the help of natural foods without any supplements and the workouts planned are absolute without the help of any equipment.

To figure out what’s best for you, the website conducts a 60-sec quiz where you go through 20 questions related to your lifestyle and preferences. Then it suggests you the best weight loss or weight gain plan backed by their experts. 

The good thing about the Perfect Body Me plan is it’s fully customized and suited to your body. Since it doesn’t stick to only diet and exercise planning but also takes into account your sleep time, water intake, and steps count.

You get a wide variety of features inside this one single app which you’ll know about in the later section.

What Does Perfect Body Me Do?

Perfect Body Me is designed to provide you with a customized meal plan that can help you achieve your dream weight.

Here are the things that Perfect Body Me does:

  1. Diet planning – Perfect Body Me is mainly a diet planning app that customizes your diet in such a way that you can achieve your desired weight loss goal. 
  2. Workout – Next to the diet plan, it presents you with several no-equipment and home-friendly workouts that can maximize your weight loss results.
  3. Sleep Track – Inside the Perfect Body Me app you are provided with a sleep tracking system that helps you know how less or more you slept on a particular day. 
  4. Water Intake: Perfect Body Me also has a water intake tracker and a reminder to ensure you are drinking enough water throughout your day.  

Perfect Body Me Benefits

The meal planner app from Perfect Body Me comes with numerous benefits you might experience in using it. 

Benefits of Perfect Body Me you may experience and enjoy include: 

  1. The diet plan is for both kinds of people who love vegan or meat. 
  2. You get to choose from what you eat in fish and meats separately.
  3. Perfect Body Me monitors your sleep and water intake to help you track if you are sleeping right and staying hydrated.
  4. You get the macros detail for every meal that’s in your diet plan. Thus, you may even track your macros intake. 
  5. It stacks your list of items to shop for your entire week’s meal. This way you don’t put any unnecessary kinds of stuff you just bought cuz you were craving. 

Perfect Body Meal Planner Pros and Cons


  • Easy-to-use interface with pleasing design and graphics.
  • More affordable compared to higher a personal coach or trainer.
  • Ability/allow for easy tracking of key metrics like water and sleep.
  • Offers personalized weight loss meal plan that can be prepared in a course of 15-20 mins.
  • Ingredients are a simple plus if you don’t like you can also swap foods.


  • Even though it plans your meal and workout, you will have to do everything on your own there’s no personal coach or trainer.
  • Sleep trackers and water intake don’t work on their own, you have to log details by yourself. 
  • You need to keep your motivation high since there’s a lot to do.
  • For using the app, you will have to make a purchase, no free trials are provided. 

Features Inside Perfect Body Me

Understanding the features before you actually plan of getting involved with Perfect Body Me is a great decision. In this section, we will discuss how good or bad is the application and what are handy features you get inside Perfect Body Me.

1. User Experience Of Perfect Body Me

While going through the app we found it easy to navigate and quite user-friendly. You got 5 sections at the bottom that includes Today, Meals, Shopping List, Workout, and Profile. 

Each section is dedicated to particular purposes as you can predict with the name. 

Under the Today tab section, you can view your current weight along with step count, sleep timer, and daily water intake. Other tabs like meals provide you with the meal plants on a daily basis, while the shopping lists provide you with a list of item to shop for this week.

Overall, every feature inside is well organized, and Perfect Body Me has a very user-friendly experience. 

2. Shopping List

The next feature of Perfect Body Me is its shopping list which automatically prepares the list of items you need to buy on your next visit to the store. 

Thus it saves you from filling your cart with almost anything and gets specific to your needs for the meal. Plus you might have realized shopping on an empty stomach makes ur craving win over you.

Perfect Body Me shopping list makes a difference in this aspect. Plus the items are designed in such a way that you don’t need to visit multiple grocery stores.  

3. Refresh Diet Plan

Do you wonder what after the 28 days meal plan is? Perfect Body Me gives you the option to refresh and renew your diet plan and preferences after 28 days. 

The new diet plan is different from the previous one since it’s adjusted according to your current physical conditions. It is designed with the help of a nutritionist and with the view that you don’t gain further weight and sustain your results. 

4. Activity tracker

The activity tracker basically tracks the steps you are taking per day. It is suggested to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps in order to maintain a healthy body weight. 

If you have a busy schedule like long working hours, you can prefer to have a little walk every 25-30 mins. 

Activities like walking can help you burn calories, so the more your walk more the calories you burn which can significantly help you lose weight. 

5. Sleep And Water Intake

Perfect Body Me has the feature of maintaining your logs of water intake as well as sleep. Drinking a good amount of water during the day can cause weight loss.

It is suggested inside the app to complete the goal of drinking 2,550 ml of water every day. This can help you stay hydrated during your workout sessions and keeps your mood elevated. 

Also, it has a feature of a sleep tracker for how many sleep hours you are getting every day. You must give yourself a sleep of at least 7 hours. 

Sleeping is also important to give your muscles proper rest while you are working out. When you rest more you can perform eventually better and keep your metabolism at optimal.

Are Perfect Body Meals And Workouts Effective?

Now the real part that most of us are excited about. Is the Perfect Body Meal Planner effective or does it really work as promised? Let us have a look at them one by one.


The meal planning from Perfect Body Me has an incredibly high number of recipes. Inside the app, there are more than 1000 recipes. And the great thing about it is that you can swap ingredients if you don’t prefer the suggested one. 

Are the meals inside effective at weight loss? Yes, but it will take your commitment to show its effectiveness. It tells you how much is the right amount to eat each day, but you will need to discipline yourself. 

We find the recipes can fit anyone’s taste and are decently picked up. Plus they can balance your macros. You can an easy change button if you are not comfortable with the meal idea. 

Overall, we think the results might be hard to notice at first but slowly and steadily, the meals can benefit your health and weight loss goals. 


This one is the exciting part since you don’t need to go to the gym or do some heavy equipment workouts to get to your goal. Perfect Body Me has a collection of no-equipment workouts with instructions, that you easily do at home.

The workouts are purely bodyweight workouts. So you need not buy any equipment or pay for the gym. Their subscription charge is all you gotta pay for it. Plus they also provide workouts targeting a specific region of your body. 

Perfect Body Me has a nicely arranged section of workouts. In the fitness library, you can find different plans such as “Calorie Burn🔥”, “Sweat It Out”, “Summer Beach Body Challenge” etc. 

Thus, you get a good number of exercises to choose from and the instructions provided are easy to follow. It can help target your particular body part and you can notice results if regular.

Pricing Of Perfect Body Me

We can assure you that the plans of Perfect Body Me plans are priced less than any gym or training fees you will ever provide. 

If you take the monthly plan it gets a bit expensive in comparison to plans for 3 months and 6 months. For one monthly plan, you’ll need to pay $9.75 per week.

While if you go for 3 monthly plans, you’ll have to pay only $4 per week, even more in 6 monthly plans you need to pay just $2.58 per week.

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You can clearly notice the price difference with increasing time intervals. 

Is Perfect Body Meal Planner Worth Paying?

Everybody is different, but with a controlled diet and a good workout routine,e a desirable weight loss goal is not far. Perfect Body Me does exactly the same for you.

Weight loss is 30% workout and 70% diet. Thus, when your diet is controlled, with the help of the right workouts you can get yourself to your desired weight.

Perfect Body Me provides you guidance on meals and workouts with the help of nutritionists and your personal preferences. If you don’t like any ingredients or meals, you also get the advantage of swapping them. 

Thus, perfect discipline and following meals, and workout every day, can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can

We recommend using this app for anyone who is having a hard time getting their meals and workouts ready and isn’t able to track their progress. Perfect Body will get it done for you. The only thing you need is to stay motivated and stick to it. 

That was our end Perfect Body Me review. Now we would like to hear from those who used and tried this app for themselves. Share your experience with us.

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