8Greens Gummies Side Effects: Is It Healthy And Safe For You?

8Greens claim themselves to be the World’s first real greens gummies made by combining 8 super greens. It is known to taste better, improve immunity, and provide energy. 

A question that’s certain to arise is Why does your body need Greens? Consuming greens can increase your overall wellness, enhance immunity, and can reduce the risks of chronic disease. 

8Greens gummies also come under the category of dietary supplements. So, there are chances it may give you some unpleasant side effects.

Thus it is always advised to evaluate the safety and side effects of any supplement before you directly make it a part of your everyday routine.

In the 8Greens side effects, we tried evaluating the safety of 8Greens and finding out every potential side effect it may come along with. Besides we also looked into, if 8Greens gummies can really have some health benefits. 

Having said that, let’s dive right into it.

What is 8Greens?

8Greens are Apple gummies designed using 8 super greens to fetch you a robust immune system and high energy levels. 

The addition of 8Greens gummies to your morning routine helps you jump-start your day with healthy habits. 

8Greens are packed with real greens like Spinach, Aloe Vera, Barley Gass, Kale, and Wheatgrass. 

Getting Greens in your body can be tough for many people due to problems like the unpleasant taste, time consumption, and its high price. 8Greens gummies claim to be the solution for all of these.

The 8Greens gummies should be suitable for most individuals since they are vegan, no dairy, gluten-free, and non-GMO.

8Greens Potential Side Effects 

The most common side effects associated with some of the active ingredients in 8Greens like super greens and vitamins C, B6, and B12 are headaches, vomiting, bloating, gas, nausea, and digestive problems.

There are also a few additional side effects associated with ingredients like Panthothenic acid and Super greens worth noting:

  • Panthothenic acid as Vitamin B5 may cause muscle pain, joint pain, sore throat, dizziness, and lack of energy.
  • With 8 greens ingredients in this Greens supplement, the side effects are more or less the same including fatigue, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and insomnia.

8Greens is free from gluten, dairy, harmful colors, artificial colors, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and genetically modified organisms and it’s vegan means no animal products and eggs are involved in it.

So the chance of getting an allergy from this supplement is very less.

Keep these things in your mind before trying an 8Greens supplement or any, simply talk with your medical doctor if you’re unsure whether this supplement is safe for you or not.

Are 8Greens Ingredients Safe?

In order to learn the effectiveness and the safety profile of any supplement, ingredients play quite an important role. 

The side effects may come from the individual ingredients or the ingredients in combination. Let’s see what ingredients does 8Greens gummies contain.

Looking at the image below, you can get a rough idea about the Nutrition facts of 8Greens gummies. 

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So, we know that besides the real greens, 8Greens gummies are also rich in Vitamins and minerals. Here’s a brief overview of the active key ingredients.

1. Super Greens

As you already know 8Greens is purely based on real gummies, it contains 8 different super greens. However, the amount of each super green is unknown since they all are included within a proprietary blend.

The super greens in 8Greens gummies include Spinach, Aloe Vera, Wheatgrass, Kale, Barley Grass, Blue-Green Algae, Spirulina, and Chlorella.

Almost every super greens are highly nutritious. Spinach is rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, iron, and potassium. 

But since spinach is rich in fiber, it makes it hard for your body to digest it. This can result in side effects like bloating, gas buildup, and cramps. 

Just like spinach, kale is also high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Both these super greens can help enhance your immunity and infection-fighting ability of your body. 

Wheatgrass and Barley grass are two other nutritionally potent super greens. While barely grass is known to boost energy, Wheatgrass is known for cleansing and detoxifying your body. 

Overall, the super greens are highly nutritious and can benefit your immunity and energy level unless you are not allergic to them. It may cause mild side effects in 8Greens like nausea, headache, gas, and upset stomach. 

2. Vitamin C

The presence of a variety of super greens make 8Greens gummies high in Vitamin C. Each serving provides you with 243% of the daily value of this Vitamin.

Vitamin C besides having high antioxidant potential, can also increase your energy levels and improve the health of your skin.

According to a 2017 study, Vitamin C deficiency may lead to impaired immunity and increased susceptibility to infections. 

Getting Vitamin C through food or greens is usually safe and well-tolerated. However taking too much Vitamin C may cause mild side effects like nausea, diarrhea, and Vomiting. 

3. Vitamin B6

8Greens gummies provide you with 176% of Vitamin B6 daily value. If you remember correctly Vitamin B6 is often found useful for PMS symptoms like stress and anxiety.

They are present in the pyridoxine hydrochloride in the gummies. Vitamin B6 can help depression by enhancing mood and reducing stress.

This form of Vitamin B6 is also known for reducing inflammation during rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin B6 is likely to be safe when consumed from food sources. However, its higher dosage by supplementation, like more than 100-300mg may cause nerve damage, numbness, and pain in the hands or feet.

4. Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

The next Vitamin packed inside the 8Greens gummies is Pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5. It helps your body convert the food you consume into energy. 

You’ll find it interesting that most Vitamin Bs’ have the same role i.e. converting fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that you receive through food, into energy.

Thus, Vitamin B5 helps boost energy levels. Besides, this Vitamin also helps with your red blood cell formation and sex and stress-related hormone produced in adrenal glands.

A good thing about Vitamin B5 is, that it is mostly safe even at higher dosages. However, more than 10,000mg of Vitamin B5 may cause a mild stomach. But you must not worry since 8Greens has a safe dose of it.

5. Vitamin B12

Another potent vitamin for higher energy levels is Vitamin B12. It’s unique because it contains the element cobalt in it and is thus also known as cobalamin.

A deficiency of Vitamin B12 may cause anemia and tiredness. Thus Vitamin B12 along with providing energy also prevents anemia. 

As per research this Vitamin also supports DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation.

Vitamin B12 is safe for almost every individual. Even if you take it in a higher dose, your body passes it through your urine. 

Ingredients Verdict:

The majority of the portion of 8Greens gummies is made of super greens and vitamins. Super greens while mostly known for their immune-enhancing ability, vitamins can help increase your energy levels.

Dosage And Warnings

The instructions of 8Greens suggest two have a two-four gummies at any time of the day. 

One single jar of 8Greens provides you with 50 vegan gummies for servings, with a daily serving size of 2 gummies.

The gummies are approved for adults/children who are above the age of 4+. They are made without gelatin and are free from the most common allergens.

In addition, to this the gummies are also free from dairy and gluten and are vegan. So they do not contribute to allergies and symptoms if you have allergies related to dairy and gluten.

Although, the 8 greens can be taken if you’re pregnant and breastfeeding because on their website they state that they have customers who have taken this gummy in the same situation.

But they recommend your qualified healthcare provider before trying or starting these 8 greens or any supplement.

Also if you’re taking any prescription medicines or in certain medical conditions, it’s best to speak with your doctor.

Does 8Greens Have Any Benefits?

Beyond the key claimed benefits of 8Greens based on the available research on ingredients include: Immune strength, high in antioxidants and provides natural energy. There are also other potential benefits of 8Greens such as: 

  • Help in cleaning and detoxifying your body.
  • Help to improve your blood pressure levels and decrease your risks of heart disease.
  • The super greens ingredients present in it contain Vitamin K which is good for blood clotting and bone building.
  • Improve oxidative processes and many more.

8Greens Reviews From Users

8Greens isn’t available to purchase on any popular online retailer like Amazon, Walmart, and GNC. 

So we can’t find any reviews and ratings on these sites. But on their official stores, they do have the reviews and rating section.

Important Note: Besides these popular retail stores Amazon, Walmart, and GNC, this supplement is sold on other online stores like target.com and sephora.com.

On the official stores, this supplement has got a 4.3/5  from a total of 118 reviewers with the majority of people who have given it 5 stars and 4 stars, and very few people (a total of 14 people) have given only 1 and 2 stars.

The following are some of the positive and negative customer reviews regarding this supplement:

Beth K says – So Good

“These gummies taste delicious and they give me much-needed “greens” in my diet. I like ve taking them”

Rique says – Lowered my Cholesterol

“I just love the results that I am getting. Feeling better, healthier than ever and my cholesterol is lower!!”

Amy says – Too sweet for me 

“These are too sweet for me. I liked the original gummies, and that’s what I thought I was ordering. I liked the flavor and the bigger size”

Dorren says – Not happy

“Was shocked by the sugar content! Not sure if they can claim healthy choice for vitamins!!”

8Greens Side Effects: Should You Avoid It?

8Greens and its main ingredients are safe for most people and till now it has no known serious side effects, but it can cause mild side effects including nausea, stomach cramps, headaches, digestive problems, fatigue, and insomnia.

For someone who doesn’t get enough vitamin, fiber, and antioxidants in their diet, the 8Greens supplement may help them in some of their daily needs.

However, most of the ingredients in 8Greens may enhance immunity and energy levels. Due to the presence of super greens and vitamins.

That said,  whether you’re looking to improve your nutritional intake and improving your diet, 8Greens may serve to support your overall health and well-being.

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